A Bloomsday 100 Calendar for 2004:

June 7 and June 9: JJS Double/DOUBLE Bloomsday
June 16 and environs: International celebrations
June 27-3 July, 8th Annual Trieste School
August 1-7: Zurich workshop
Bloom, a new film
Ineluctable Modality of the Visible Atelier Augarten, Vienna


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invites you to its
Double/DOUBLE Bloomsday Meetings:
Monday, June 7, and Wednesday, June 9, 2004

First Meeting on Monday, June 7, 2004:

"Joyce to the World "
A Sneak Preview of an Irreverent Documentary Film about "Ulysses" and Bloomsday

Featuring Brian Dennehy, Fionnula Flanagan, Frank McCourt and Others

Directed by Fritzi Horstman and Written by Diana J. Wynne
(For more information about the film see: joycetotheworld.com)

Monday 7 June 2004 6:00 pm
Mercantile Library of New York 17 East 47th Street New York, NY 10017

Please note change of venue for this meeting.

Second Meeting on Wednesday, June 9, 2004:

Pre-Bloomsday Celebration With Fidelma Murphy
Reading Selections from "Ulysses"

Wednesday 9 June 2004 6:00 pm
The Gotham Book Mart 41 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036

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Links to Some Worldwide Bloomsday 100 Celebrations in 2004:
Selected Joyce-Related Events in Ireland

International James Joyce Foundation

The official web site for the 19th International James Joyce Symposium

Rejoyce Dublin 2004 Bloomsday Centenary Festival web site
The Bloomsday Centenary Breakfast

Selected Joyce-Related Events in the United States

Bloomsday on Broadway XXIII: The Centenary Celebration
More than 100 actors read selections from Ulysses, including performances by
Frank McCourt, Malachy McCourt, Stephen Colbert and the incomparable Fionnula Flanagan as Molly Bloom

Rosenbach Museum & Library - Bloomsday 100 in Philadelphia
BLOOMSDAY 100 at the Rosenbach Museum & Library June 2004

Bloomsday 2004 at Buffalo
The Poetry/Rare Books. Collection, 420 Capen Hall, SUNY-Buffalo.

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The Eighth Annual
Trieste Joyce School.
27 June - 3 July 2004
University of Trieste
Trieste Joyce School, Dipartimento di letterature e civiltà
anglo-germaniche, University of Trieste, via Lazzaretto vecchio 8, 34137
Trieste, Italy.
Director: Renzo S. Crivelli
Programme Director: John McCourt
Email: mccourt@units.it
Fax: --39040 5587247

Speakers include:
Derek Attridge (University of York), Jacques Aubert (Université Lumière-Lyon
2), Rosa Maria Bosinelli (University of Bologna), Richard Brown (University
of Leeds), Eric Bulson (Columbia University), Renzo S. Crivelli (University
of Trieste), Jin Di (University of Washington), Ron Ewart (University of San
Gallen), Roy Foster (University of Oxford), John Wilson Foster (University
of Ulster), Lia Guerra (University of Pavia), Jennifer Johnston (Derry),
Stefano Manferlotti (University of Napoli, Federico II), Katy Mullin
(University of Leeds), John McCourt (University of Trieste), Erik Schneider
(Trieste Joyce Museum), Fritz Senn (Zurich James Joyce Foundation).

Up to 12 full and partial scholarships are available.

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Fritz Senn

What's in a name? * St. Paronymous * Obsit nemon! * M'Intosh * Headlines * whatdoyoucallhim? * Potent Titles * Sounds are impostures * Nominalism vs. Realism * indendifide Š idendifine Š indandified * Names, nouns, pronouns * Outis * HCE * translating names * Nomomorphemy * Give it a name, citizen, etc. , and any other relevant topic you can think of.

Joycean Naming

International Workshop
Zürich, August 1-7, 2004

The game rules remain the same: Careful preparation, free presentation, interaction, discussion, scope for continuation or newly emerging themes. The workshop is an intense, critical, friendly exchange of ideas.

Some evenings are devoted to social gatherings and they usually include a boat trip on the Lake of Zürich and a dinner. The Foundation charges a nominal fee of Swiss Fr. 50 (fifty, compare Symposium fees!) for one whole week.

Please get in touch with us soon if you plan to take part. We cannot accommodate more than 20 active participants. We will need your topic and a revealing title.

Previous workshops (on specific chapters of Ulysses or Finnegans Wake, Synesthesia, Songs, Documentary InSights, Repetition/Negation, Dreaming, "Homer behind Joyce behind Homer", Chance/Coincidence, Kitsch, Expectation, Performance, Alienation, Material Joyce) are listed on our website (www.joycefoundation.ch). Ask earlier participants about the procedure and the atmosphere (reports on last year's events by Ema Guler and Keri Ames are to be found in the recent JJQ, 39, 4).

Onomastically yours,
Ursula Zeller, Fritz Senn, Margrit Neukom, Frances Ilmberger, Ruth Frehner

Zürich James Joyce Foundation email: joyce@es.unizh.ch
Phone ++41 1 211 83 04 / Fax ++41 1 212 51 28
Our web site:

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The web site for the "Bloom" feature film, adapted from James Joyce's Ulysses is

Sean Walsh, Odyssey Pictures

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The Center of Contempory Art -- Atelier Augarten, Vienna
is currently presenting a Bloomsday 100 exhibition of art with talks

Ulysses. Ineluctable Modality of the Visible.

From 5th May 2004 to 15th August 2004

Further Information at

A Bloomsday 100 Calendar for 2004:

June 7 and June 9: JJS Double/DOUBLE Bloomsday
June 16 and environs: International celebrations
June 27-3 July, 8th Annual Trieste School
August 1-7: Zurich workshop
Bloom, a new film
Ineluctable Modality of the Visible Atelier Augarten, Vienna