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Program   Archive   for   2001

  • 14 Nov. 2001
    What's In A Marriage? Textual Privacy In Homer's Odyssey and Joyce's Ulysses
    by Keri Ames, University of Chicago

  • 10 Oct. 2001
    Sketching Vladimir's Voice: Prologue to "Dear Mister Germ's Choice"
    Reminiscences on Vladimir Dixon (1900-1929) by John Dixon

  • Sat., 16 June 2001 -- Bloomsday, 2001
    At Symphony Space, 2537 Broadway at 95th Street
    Part of Bloomsday On Broadway: Readings from James Joyce's Ulysses

    Wednesday   14 November 2001 7:30 pm
    The Gotham Book Mart
    41 West 47th Street
    New York, NY 10036

    What's In A Marriage?
    Textual Privacy
    In Homer's Odyssey and Joyce's Ulysses
    by Keri Ames
    Doctoral Candidate at the University of Chicago


    Murray J. Gross, President of the Finnegans Wake Society of N.Y., will lead a discussion of the following
    paragraph from page 3 lines 4-14-the second and third sentences of Finnegans Wake.

    (For your convenience a copy of FW 3:4-14 along with a relevant
    passage from one of Joyce's letters to Harriet Shaw Weaver follows.)

        Dear Madam:
    Above please find prosepiece ordered in sample form. Also key to same.
    Hoping said sample meets with your approval
    yrs trly
    Jeems Joker

        Sir Amory Tristram 1st earl of Howth changed his name to Saint Lawrence, b in Brittany (North Armorica)
        Tristan et Iseult, passim
        viola in all moods and senses
        Dublin, Laurens Co, Georgia, founded by a Dubliner, Peter Sawyer, on r. Oconee. Its motto: Doubling all the time.
        The flame of Christianity kindled by S. Patrick on Holy Saturday in defiance of royal orders
        Mishe=I am (Irish) i.e. Christian
        Tauf=baptise (German)
        Thou art Peter and upon this rock etc (a pun in the original Aramaic)
        Lat: Tu es Petrus et super hane petram
        Parnell ousted Isaac Butt from leadership
        The venison purveyor Jacob got the blessing meant for Esau
        Miss Vanhomrigh and Miss Johnson had the same christian name
        Willy brewed a peck of maut
        Noah planted the vine and was drunk
        John Jameson      is the greatest Dublin distiller
        Arthur Guinness, "   "       "          "       brewer
        Arthur Wellesley (of Dublin) fought in the Peninsular war
        rory=Latin, roridus=dewy
        at the rainbow's end are dew and the colour red
        bloody end to the lie in Anglo-Irish=no lie     regginbrow=German regenbogen + rainbow
        ringsome=German ringsum, around
        When all vegetation is covered by the flood there are no eyebrows on the face of the Waterworld
        exaggerare=to mound up
        themselse=another Dublin 5000 inhabitants
        Isthmus of Sutton a peck of land between Howth head and the plain
        passencore=pas encore and ricorsi storici of Vico
        bellowed=the response of the peatfire of faith to the windy words of the apostle

    Return to top
      Wednesday   10 October 2001   7:30 pm
      The Gotham Book Mart
      41 West 47th Street
      New York, NY 10036

      Sketching Vladimir's Voice:
      Prologue to "Dear Mister Germ's Choice"
      Reminiscences on Vladimir Dixon (1900-1929)
      by John Dixon

      Vladimir Dixon's identity and authorship
      of the "Dear Mister Germ's Choice" letter had often been disputed
      even after the letter appeared in
      Our Exagmination Round His Factification for
      Incamination of Work in Progress


      A Brief Report on the Berkeley Conference
      by Heyward Ehrlich

    Return to top

      Saturday, 16 June 2001 -- Bloomsday, 2001
      At Symphony Space
      2537 Broadway at 95th Street

      Part of Bloomsday On Broadway: Readings from James Joyce's Ulysses
      From 12:00 Noon to 12:00 Midnight

      Bloomsday Celebration 2001

      by Composer Victoria Bond

      (Molly ManyBloom will be performed at approximately 5:00 p.m.)
      Performed at Symphony Space
      2537 Broadway at 95th Street

      By special arrangement with Symphony Space, James Joyce Society members will be admitted free of
      charge with a valid ID membership card.

      Browsers: The pages are formatted for Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera and similar Windows and Macintosh browsers. For wireless/handheld/accessibility devices and printing, use plain text. For hints on optimizing viewing and printing, see help.

      Email: Send email to

      President: A. Nicholas Fargnoli,

      Webmaster: Heyward Ehrlich, Site created 02/02/02, last updated 2 April 2002 (Ver. 1.55). © 2002 The James Joyce Society.