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Michael F. Capobianco: "Cabrera Infante and Joyce: Word Magic in Tres Tristes Tigers and Finnegans Wake" -- Thursday, 30 October 2003, 6:00 pm ...

October 2003
November 2003

The James Joyce Society, usually at The Gotham Book Mart 41 W. 47 Street New York City
-- but sometimes about town or elsewhere!

F U T U R E     2 0 0 3     E V E N T S     :

The James Joyce Society invites you to attend

Michael F. Capobianco
Professor Emeritus
St. John's University, Staten Island, NY

Cabrera Infante and Joyce:
Word Magic in Tres Tristes Tigers
and Finnegans Wake

Thursday, 30 October 2003, 6:00 pm
The Gotham Book Mart
41 West 47th Street,New York NY 10036

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R E C E N T     2 0 0 3     E V E N T S    :
The James Joyce Society invites you to attend

A Special Gallery Talk and Exhibit

Ear's Eye for James Joyce -- Paintings by Susan Weil
Introduction and Talk by David Weir
Tuesday, Sept. 16, 2003, Time: TBA

At the Sundaram Tagore Gallery, 137 Greene St.
between Houston and Prince Streets, SOHO, New York City

Susan Weil states, "I call my exhibit 'Ear's Eye for James Joyce.' I will be exhibiting paintings referring to Joyce and his writings. I have been making Joyce related work for eighteen years. This journey began with my working on a limited edition book with the publisher Vincent FitzGerald. In 1987 the first of our collaborations, was my illuminations for The Epiphanies. In 1989 I made images for another livre d'artiste, Giacomo Joyce and then in 1991, Brideship and Gulls. During this time I was studying and drawing to all the writings of Joyce. This led to studio work which was exhibited in Lund, Sweden in 1990 and Basel, Switzerland in 1996. The James Joyce Quarterly published an article about my work with Joyce and I also lectured about my work in 1989 at the Joyce symposium in Zurich.

My exhibit at Sundaram Tagore Gallery will show major paintings through all these years. There is a website about this work. The address is

  • Wed, June 11 -- Neil Hickey, Shades of Joyce, performance based on Flann O'Brien's Dalkey Archive June11

  • Sat, June 14 -- Bloomsday at Roger Smith Hotel, 47th St. and Lexington Avenue. New York June 14

  • Mon, June 16 -- Bloomsday on Broadway, Symphony Space, 95th and Broadway June 16

The James Joyce Society invites you to

A Very Special Pre-Bloomsday Event
On Wednesday, June 11, 6:00 pm
At the Gotham Book Mart
41 W. 47th St. New York City

Joyce and Flann O'Brien: The Comic Spirit

A premiere concert performance of a new comedy in four scenes
S h a d e s   o f   J o y c e
based on The Dalkey Archive by Flann O'Brien.

Produced by Fidelma Murphy

Written/adapted/directed by Neil Hickey

Flann O'Brien's satiric novel The Dalkey Archive, published in 1964, was the fifth of O'Brien's celebrated novels. One of its main characters is James Joyce. Joyce, in fact, was an admirer of O'Brien. He famously said that O'Brien was "a real writer, with the true comic spirit." O'Brien's deep-seated, wicked humor especially in his phantasmagoric first novel At-Swim- Two-Birds -- have moved many commentators to compare him to Joyce. In an essay about Joyce, O'Brien wrote: "Humor, the handmaiden of sorrow and fear, creeps out endlessly in all Joyce's works."

The concert performance of Shades of Joyce will feature six exceptional actors who are well-known for their work on Broadway and off-Broadway, as well as at the Irish Repertory Theatre, the Irish Arts Center, the Abbey Theatre, the Gate Theatre, and many regional theaters in the U.S: Jarlath Conroy, David Costello, Colin Lane, John Leighton, Brian Mallon, and Fidelma Murphy.

Neil Hickey is a faculty member at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, and editor-at-large of the Columbia Journalism Review. He has been a member of the James Joyce Society for more than 30 years. As a journalist, he reported from Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, Northern Ireland, Cuba, and elsewhere. He is the author of Adam Clayton Powell and the Politics of Race and other books and has been widely anthologized for his writings on the Information Age and telecommunications policy.
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bloomsday at the roger smith hotel

first annual bloomsday bash at
the roger smith hotel on June 14

come and sample a little taste of dublin at the hotel that truly appreciates the art of food.

on saturday, june 14th, 2-6 p.m., the roger smith hotel will celebrate one of ireland’s most famous sons james joyce with an afternoon of irish music, food, readings from ulysses as well as special guests, conor o’ clery from the irish times speaking about joyce, the paper and dublin as well as alison armstrong author of ‘the joyce of cooking’- a must for all joycean bon-vivants!

this will be the Roger Smith's first bloomsday celebration but we hope the beginning of a tradition as well as the continuation of our commitment to creativity in all its forms. to reserve your place for this special event contact;

sonya sheils tel: (212 ) 755-1400
the roger smith hotel
501 lexington avenue at 47th street
new york, ny, 10017

there will be a $10 charge for all who R.S.V.P. in advance or $20 on door-this includes access to all events. There will be a cash bar.
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Sexy Molly Sings Joyce on June 16 at the 23rd annual "Bloomsday on Broadway"

Composer Victoria Bond will officially unveil her work "Molly ManyBloom" June 16 on her CD entitled "Yes" with a video display Patrick Burke.

The event begins at 7PM on June 16, 2003 with readings from "Ulysses" by well-known actors and takes place at Symphony Space, 95th Street and Broadway, New York, NY.

Although James Joyce was an accomplished tenor, coming in second only to the legendary John McCormack in a vocal competition, and although Molly Bloom, the leading lady in his epic "Ulysses" is an opera singer, she rarely gets the chance to sing her ribald text. All that will change with the release of a new CD on Albany Records. Composer Victoria Bond has given Molly music that the New York Times described as "powerful, stylistically varied and technically demanding".

The CD, entitled "Yes" features Metropolitan Opera soprano Carol Meyer, violinists Shem Guibbory and Renee Jolles, violist Ronald Carbone and cellist Maxine Neumann performing "Molly ManyBloom" . Also on the CD is "A Modest Proposal" based on the outrageous essay by another famous Irish writer, Jonathan Swift, with contemporary music specialist tenor Paul Sperry singing the satiric text, accompanied by the Cleveland Chamber Symphony conducted by Victoria Bond.

On June 16th, the date that "Ulysses" takes place, Symphony Space celebrates the 23rd annual "Bloomsday on Broadway" and "Molly ManyBloom" will be officially unveiled with a CD signing by Victoria Bond and a

"Yes", The Music of Victoria Bond (TROY578) is available after June 1 at:, fine record stores or from Albany Music Distributors, 915 Broadway, Albany, NY 12207, tel: 1-800-752-1951; fax: 1-800-752-1954.

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John McCourt announces Seventh Annual Trieste Joyce School 29 June - 5 July 2003

Just to let you know that the Seventh Annual Trieste Joyce School will take place from 29 June to 5 July 2003.

All information is available on our website

Speakers include John Banville, Renzo Crivelli, Ron Ewart, Deirdre Flynn, Andrew Gibson, Eamonn Hughes, Garry Leonard, John McCourt, Brian Moloney, Emer Nolan, Paul O'Hanrahan, Gerard Parks, Caroline Patey, Laura Pelaschiar, Danis Rose, Fritz Senn, Erik Schneider.

Best wishes
John McCourt

Please spread the news to friends and colleagues and note that several scholarships are available.

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P A S T     E V E N T S and M E E T I N G S

Mabou Mines presents CARA LUCIA
The WORLD PREMIERE will take place at the HERE Arts Center (145 Sixth Avenue) with previews starting April 15, 2003 and opening Wednesday, April 23, 2003 at 8:30 PM.

CARA LUCIA, Mabou Mines newest work, centers on the life and death of James Joyce's only daughter Lucia. As a young woman in Paris during the 1920's she danced, painted illuminated letters for her father's books, and fell in love with Samuel Beckett and Alexander Calder. By 1932, however, Lucia's behavior had become strange and erratic. She eventually found herself in a mental hospital where she would live for the next forty-seven years. James Joyce believed she was the natural inheritor of his genius.

As a theatrical ode, CARA LUCIA navigates Lucia's final journey through her imagined afterlife facing her tumultuous past and her legacy as a literary reflection in her father's final work Finnegans Wake.

Sharon Fogarty, the Director and co-writer of CARA LUCIA, has been the co-artistic director of Mabou Mines since 1999. Prior to her post with Mabou Mines, she served as artistic director of New York City-based Daedalus Theater Company from 1997-1999. Sharon has produced many of Mabou Mines' productions over the past five years including tours of the company to Russia, Korea and Brazil.

CARA LUCIA stars four-time OBIE winner Ruth Maleczech (founding member and co-artistic director of Mabou Mines) as Old Lucia, Rosemary Fine and Clove Galilee as Young Lucia.

OBIE award-winning Julie Archer is credited with the production design. Jim Clayburgh will design the set and lighting. The choreography will be by J'aime Morrison with original music composed by Carter Burwell (Gods and Monster, Velvet Goldmine, all of Spike Jones' and Cohen brother's films.)

Performance Schedule: April 15 - May 11: Tuesday - Saturday at 8:30 PM and Sundays at 4 PM at the HERE Arts Center (145 Sixth Ave. between Spring and Broome).

All Tickets are $25.00. Tickets will be available from TicketWeb or by calling the HERE box office at 212.647.0202.

Mabou Mines is a collaborative theater company founded in 1970 and based in NYC. Alone from all American acting ensembles, Mabou Mines bridged the gap between theater and art, taking as its first principle the idea that life is performance - that the study and practice of one is the study and practice of the other.

Myra Russel presents a new talk introducing
Renowned tenor Robert White and pianist Stephen Gosling in
The Chamber Music poems of James Joyce:
A New Look at Settings by Many Composers
Lincoln Center Music Library Auditorium
New York City
(Old date Thurs, Dec. 5, 2002, 6 pm, cancelled/snow)
Admission: free.
Entrance: Front: Music Library between Opera House & Theatre
Or rear: from Amsterdam Ave., south of W. 65th Street

"Le Petomane, Elvis and
Other Unexpected Guests at Joyce's Wake"
Wednesday, 5 February 2003 at 6:00 pm

Michael J. O'Shea, Ph. D. is Visiting Professor
of English at Drexel University
He is the editor of Studies in Short Fiction
and is a Trustee of the International James Joyce Foundation

Friday, November 22, 2002, 6 p.m.
Cóilín Owens
George Mason UIniversity

"The Odour of Corruption: A Theological Reading of 'The Sisters'"

he death of his intellectual and spiritual mentor provokes a crisis of faith in the boy-narrator. The language and structure of the story reveal its Gnostic premises. The priest is a pneumatic, his sisters hylics. Its conclusion: the psychic boy becomes agnostic.

When Joyce wrote to Grant Richards that "people might be willing to pay for the special odour of corruption which, I hope, floats over my stories" (Oct 15, 1905), he was not making reference either to Dublin’s garbage or political chicanery. Rather, he was coining a phrase drawn from the theological lexicon of his time ("the odour of sanctity" and "the corruption of the flesh"), by which he indicated his purpose was to reveal the phenomena of original sin. For all the critical attention these stories have received, these implications have been largely ignored, especially in recent readings of Dubliners. Read in the light of the Christian understanding of grace shaped by the language of Saints Paul and Augustine--"The Sisters" presents us with a priest who has fallen into Quietism, a latter-day version of Gnosticism, the first major heresy in the history of the Church. A close examination of the text of "The Sisters" shows it to be structurally and thematically informed by the idea of knowledge proposed by the Gnostics, a notion that divided humanity into three parties: the pneumatics, the psychics, and the hylics: those who lived by the spirit, the rational mind, and the flesh, respectively. The boy’s fascination with the terms simony, gnomon, and paralysis in the opening paragraph implies these correspondences, and the body of the story develops their implications. These terms correspond, in turn, with the three procedures by which the narrator attempts to comprehend the physical death of his spiritual and intellectual mentor: through dreams, rational analysis, face to face, and finally through silent mediation. The issues in the story are therefore the relationships between soul, mind, and body, and the modes of knowledge appropriate to each. By comparing his memories and fantasies about Fr Flynn with the overheard conversations between his relicts, the boy moves from a fascination with the Christian promise of eternal perfection, to a radical skepticism about all forms of human knowing. As a disciple of Fr Flynn, therefore, he moves from a fascination with latter-day Gnosticism to modern agnosticism. This reading helps us to gloss an epiphany that Joyce reported to Stanislaus from Trieste: "While I was attending the Greek mass here last Sunday, it seemed to me that my story ‘The Sisters’ was rather remarkable" (February 28, 1905). The development of the implications of this reading of "The Sisters" for the general design of Dubliners and Portrait is the subject of a book in progress.

Cóilín Owens was born in Ireland. Educated by his parents, the Cistercian monks at Roscrea, Notre Dame and University College, Dublin, he studied Joyce with Bernard Benstock at Kent State. He has been teaching at George Mason since 1976, and has published widely on Irish drama, literature, and language. Among his publications are Family Chronicles: Maria Edgeworth’s Castle Rackrent (1987), Irish Drama 1900-1990 (1990), and Irish/Gaeilge (1994), and numerous essays on Joyce that have appeared in Eire-Ireland, The James Joyce Quarterly, and The Irish University Review. A longtime member of the James Joyce Foundation, he has been an officer on the national committee of the American Conference for Irish Studies. Over the past 25 years he has been active in the affairs of the Irish American Cultural Institute and the Gaelic League in the Washington area. He lives in Mount Vernon, Virginia, with his wife, Julianne Mahler, and sons Seamus and Conor.

Friday, 25 October, 6:00 pm
Michael Groden, University of Western Ontario
New Joyce Manuscripts at the National Library of Ireland

"The New Joyce Manuscripts at the National Library of Ireland," or "25 New Joyce Manuscripts! Hear All About It: A Report for Non-Specialists"

In May 2002 the National Library of Ireland announced that it had purchased 25 previously unknown Joyce manuscripts for about $12 million (US). These documents, a couple of early notebooks, some typescript and proof pages for Finnegans Wake, but mostly early notes and drafts for Ulysses, which will greatly enrich our knowledge of Joyce's creation of his works. Michael Groden, who examined the papers for the National Library as it was considering purchasing the collection, will talk about the manuscripts and their significance.

Michael Groden is Professor of English, University of Western Ontario. He is also instructor of an annual course, "Reading Ulysses" each spring at the 92nd Street Y. In addition, he did manuscript work on Joyce: "Ulysses" in Progress" (1977), general editor of The James Joyce Archive and editor of the 16 Ulysses volumes (1977-79). He was consultant to the National Library of Ireland on its purchase of these newly discovered Joyce manuscripts, and currently he is co-editor of Digital "Ulysses": Ulysses in Dublin | Dublin in Ulysses 1904-2004: An Annotated Hypertext and Manuscript Archive: "

His web pages are and Friday, October 4, 6:00 pm

Chris Lombardi,
"Notes from a blue:season:
A novelist falls in love with Lucia Joyce."

"Diaphanous L & Bab working at c&d."

A journey in researching and writing
a narrative of Joyce's daughter --
from Ellmann's biography
to immersion in Lucia's hospital journals
to squinting at the Buffalo notebooks
to volunteering at a psychiatric hospital.

Chris Lombardi studied Joyce with Suzette Henke and
Barry Wallenstein. She writes for the "Village Voice,"
"The Nation," "Women's Enews," and "American Book Review."

Her novel "The Suicide Project" was a finalist for
Barbara Kingsolver's Bellwether Prize. She is currently
working on a novel based on the life of
Jehanne Darc (Joan of Arc).

Tues., 11 June 2002, 5:30 pm
Nora: the Film
The Donnell Library Center
2nd floor conference room
20 West 53rd Street
New York, NY 10019

Tues. 20 August 2002 (6:00 pm)
Apocalyptic Catallactics: The Political Economy in Ulysses' Oxen
Ian Kennedy White, Professor of English, Bradford University, UK

Fri., 3 May 2002, 6:00 pm
A Little Snob: Pretension and Failure in Ulysses
Sean Latham, Editor, James Joyce Quarterly

Fri., 12 Apr. 2002, 7:30 pm:
Theoretical Bloom: Cloacal Aesthetics
` Bowen, Professor of English, University of Miami
(Past President of The James Joyce Society)

Wednesday, 20 February 2002 7:00 pm

Heyward Ehrlich
Associate Professor of English, Rutgers University in Newark, NJ
Rewriting Homer Through Celtic Myth: "Matriarchy v. Patriarchy" in Joyce's Ulysses


In preparation for an open discussion
Simon Loekle
will read the water catalogue from Ithaca (U 17:185-228, Gabler edition)
in observance of the final days of Aquarius: The Water Carrier (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

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Friday, April 12, 2002, 7:30 pm

Zack Bowen
Professor of English, University of Miami
(Past President of The James Joyce Society)
Theoretical Bloom: Cloacal Aesthetics


Poet Michael Graves
Reading from a Selection of His Joycean Poems

Friday, 3 May 2002, 6:00 pm
Sean Latham, Editor, James Joyce Quarterly
A Little Snob: Pretension and Failure in Ulysses


The Ending of "Araby"
Discussion led by Heyward Ehrlich

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The James Joyce Society
A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
Simon Loekle, Tyler
Yearly membership: $20.00
Visitors at meetings: $5.00

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The James Joyce Society Bloomsday Celebration 2002
By permission of Pat Murphy of Metropolitan Films
presented a special screening of
Tues., 11 June 2002 -- 5:30 pm
The Donnell Library Center
2nd floor conference room
20 West 53rd Street
New York, NY 10019

Limited admission:

(Click for credits)
(Click and scroll down)
Boston Irish Film Festival
(Click and scroll down)

Review: Variety
Video and VHS:

World Bloomsday Calendar 2002:
    Bloomsday on Broadway 2002, NYC

  • The James Joyce Society
    At The Gotham Book Mart
    41 West 47th Street
    New York, NY 10036

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    President: A. Nicholas Fargnoli,

    Webmaster: Heyward Ehrlich,
    Site created 02/02/02, last updated 4 May 2002 (Ver. 1.56). © 2002 The James Joyce Society.

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