
The James Joyce Society
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The James Joyce Society
invites you to
A Virtual Meeting
At 7:30 pm (not usual 6:00 pm) via Zoom
Friday, February 19, 2021 7:30pm
Eastern Standard Time US and Canada)

Patrick A. McCarthy:
Professor of English
University of Miami

A Gracecup Fulled of Bitterness:
Sexuality and Anxiety in Finnegans Wake III.4

See text examples below

Join Zoom from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device,
  • Please click this URL to start or join the Zoom meeting.

  • Or go to https://nyit.zoom.us/join and enter meeting ID: 950 6944 7265 and password: Buck

  • Join from dial-in phone line: Dial: +1 646 876 9923 or +1 312 626 6799
    Meeting ID: 950 6944 7265
    Participant ID: Shown after joining the meeting
    International numbers available: https://nyit.zoom.us/u/acrSqzdW4e

  • Please join The James Joyce Society online:
  • Or send check, payable to The James Joyce Society, to
    Stephen J. Pantani, JJS Treasurer
    80 East Hartsdale Ave. Apt 414
    Hartsdale, NY 10530
    -- Yearly Membership: $25.00
    -- Single meeting: $ 7.00
  • To join e-mail list, send request to
    info@joycesociety.org with "JJSociety e-list" as subject

Finnegans Wake: quotations in “A Gracecup Fulled of Bitterness: Sexuality and Anxiety in Finnegans Wake III.4” by Patrick A. McCarthy | See text below or download McCarthy quotes as PDF file

  • # 1: “What was thaas? Fog was whaas? Too mult sleepth. Let sleepth” (FW 555.1-2)

  • # 2: “care for nothing except everything that is allporterous” (FW 560.30-31)

  • # 3: [King Mark] “never was worth a cornerwall fark” (FW 581.8-9)

  • # 4: “Mrs Porter (leading lady, a poopahead, gaffneysaffron nightdress, iszoppy chepelure)” (FW 560.26-27)

  • # 5: “an anemone’s letter with a gold of my bridest hair betied. Donatus his mark, address as follows” (FW 563.17-18)

  • # 6: : “Yes, sad one of Ziod [Izod]? Sell me, my soul dear! Ah, my sorrowful, his cloister dreeping of his monkshood, how it is triste to deathall his dark ivytod! Where cold in dearth” (FW 571.12-15)

  • # 7: “this sound seemetery which iz leebez luv” (FW 17.35-36) and “Mildew Lisa” (FW 40.17)

  • # 8: “infantina Isobel … weeper’s veil” (FW 556.1-11)

  • # 9: “Of I be leib in the immoralities? O, you mean the strangle for love and the sowiveall of the prettiest?’ (FW 145.26-27)

  • # 10: “The law of the jungerl” (FW 268.F3)

  • # 11: [Isobel] “looked a peach … and still in her teens” (FW 556.5-7)

  • # 12: “Who sleeps in now number one, for example? A pussy, purr esimple. Cunina, Statulina, and Edulia, but how sweet of her! Has your pussy a pessname? Yes, indeed, you will hear it passim in all the noveletta and she is named Buttercup. Her bare name will tellt it, a monitress. How very sweet of her and what an excessively lovecharming missyname to forsake, now that I come to drink of it filtred, a gracecup fulled of bitterness. She is daddad’s lottiest daughterpearl and brooder’s cissiest auntybride.” (FW 561.8-16)

  • # 13: “Mother of moth! I will show herword in flesh.… She may think, what though little doth she realise, as morning fresheth, it hath happened her, you know what, as they too what two dare not utter” (FW 561.27-30)

  • # 14: “a bad pities of the plain” (FW 564.28)

  • # 15: “the sissastrides [and] pederestians” [in Phoenix Park/ Cities of the Plain] (FW 564.36-565.1)

  • # 16: “rich Mr Pornter … a lot stoutlier than of formerly” (FW 570.15-18)

  • # 17: “The dame dowager’s duffgerent to present wappon, blade drawn to the full and about wheel without to be seen of them [the two princes]. The infant Isabella from her coign to do obeisance toward the duffgerent, as first furtherer with drawn brand…. What have you therefore? Fear you the donkers? Of roovers? I fear lest we have lost ours (non grant it!) respecting these wildy parts. How is hit finister! How shagsome all and beastful!” (FW 566.21-33)

  • # 18: [Honuphrius] “is considered to have committed, invoking droit d’oreiller, simple infidelities with Felicia, a virgin, and to be practising for unnatural coits with Eugenius and Jeremias, two or three philadelphians” (FW 572.22-25)

  • # 19: “Hold the raabers for the kunning his pletheron. Let leash the dooves to the cooin her coynth” (FW 579.14-15) [cf. the raven and dove that Noah sent out to see if the flood had receded]

  • # 20: “Gomorrha. Salong. Lots feed from my tidetable” (FW 579.23-24) [Lot’s escape from the Cities of the Plain]

  • # 21: “Third position of concord” ((FW 582.29-30)

  • # 22: “Female imperfectly masking male” (FW 582.30-31)

  • # 23: “She had to kick a laugh. At her old stick-in-the-block [who] was slogging his paunch about … At half past quick in the morning” (FW 583.26-30)

  • # 24: “it tickled her innings to consort pitch at kicksolock in the morm” (FW 584.2-3)

  • # 25: “Tipatonguing him on in her pigeony linguish, with a flick at the bails for lubrication” (FW 584.3-4)

  • # 26: “Magrath he’s my pegger, he is…. He’ll win your toss, flog your old tom’s bowling and I darr ye, barrackbuller, to break his duck! He’s posh I lob him” (FW 584.5-8)

  • # 27: “magrathmagreeth, he takable a rap for that early party” (FW 243.3-4)

  • # 28: “Annshee lispes privily. —He is quieter now.” (FW 571.26-27)

  • # 29: “—Legalentitled. Accesstopartnuzz. Notwildebeestch. Byrightofoaptz. Twainbeonerflsh. Haveandholdpp” (FW 571.26-29)

  • # 30: “exclusive pigtorial rights … his weekreations” (FW 584.36-585.1)

  • # 31: “Three for two will do for me and he for thee and she for you” (FW 584.10-11)

  • # 32: “Goeasyosey, for the grace of the fields, or hooley pooley, cuppy, we’ll both be bye and by caught in the slips for fear he’d tyre and burst his dunlops and waken her bornybarnies making his boobybabies” (FW 584.11-14)

  • # 33: “You never wet the tea!” (FW 585.31)

  • # 34: “Malthus, the promethean paratonnerwetter which first … taught love’s lightning the way … to, well, conduct itself” (FW 585.11-13)

  • # 35: “laboursaving devisers” [condoms] (FW 585.15-16)

  • # 36: “(her birth is uncontrollable)” (FW 11.33)

  • # 37: [on condoms] “detachably replaceable” (FW 585.10); “man’s gummy article, pink” (FW 559.15-16); “a buntingcap of so a pinky” (FW 567.7); “the cheque, a good washable pink” (FW 574.25)

  • # 38: “in corrubberation a current account of how she had been made at sight for services rendered the payee-drawee of unwashable blank assignations, sometimes pinkwilliams” (FW 575.13-15; italics added)

  • # 39: “nine months from date without issue” (FW 575.12)

  • # 40: “repeals an act of union … Withdraw your member! Ckosure. This chamber stands abjourned” (FW 585.25-27)

  • # 41: “Every ditcher’s dastard in Dupling will let us know about it if you have paid the mulctman by whether your rent is open to be foreclosed or aback in your arrears” (FW 586.15-18)

  • # 42: references to Wilde’s name: “weld” (FW 587.15), “woylde” (588.3), “wild,” (589.23); to Wilde’s later assumed name: “Melmoth” (FW 587.21); to Wilde’s lovers, “Bosie Douglas”—“my own sweet boosy love,” (FW 587.36-588.1)—and possibly Robert Ross, “retroussy” (FW 588.7)” ; and allusions to Fred Atkins, who testified against Wilde: “Fred Watkins, bugler Fred” (FW 587.20), “Fred” (588.2), “my Fred” (588.6), “by Fred” (588.12), “Mr Black Atkins” (588.18).

  • # 43: “Who has sinnerettes to declare?” (FW 587.24)

  • # 44: “the two legglegels in blooms, and those pest of parkies, twitch, thistle and charlock” (FW 587.26-28); “Mr Black Atkins and you tanapanny troopertwos” followed by girls number one and two (FW 588.18-25); “Two pretty mistletots, ribboned to a tree, up rose liberator and, fancy, they were free!” (588.35-36); “three boy buglehorners who counterbezzled and crossbugled him,” along with “two hussites [who] absconded through a breach in his bylaws and left him, the infidels, to pay himself off in kind remembrances” (FW 589.32-35)

  • # 45: “But was iz? Iseut? Ere were sewers? The oaks of ald now they lie in peat yet elms leap where askes lay. Phall if you but will, rise you must: and none so soon either shall the pharce for the nunce come to a setdown secular phoenish” (FW 4.14-17)

  • The James Joyce Society

    invites you to
    A Virtual Meeting

    'Petitions Full of Pieces of Pottery':
    Deranged Readings of Finnegans Wake

    Tim Conley
    Professor of English
    Brock University
    St. Catharines, Ontario

    Friday, Nov 6, 2020 6:00 PM - via Zoom
    Eastern Standard Time
    (US and Canada)

    Join Zoom from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device,

    "Some critical readings we may feel are persuasive and apt, and others we may disagree with or find dissatisfying, but there is a third kind of reading: those interpretations whose logic is more or less entirely self-sustaining and so unassailable. Finnegans Wake is one of those cultural artifacts around which a small culture of such readings has developed over the decades, and this talk makes the case for acknowledging and attempting to understand this phenomenon as a significant part of the social history of the text."

    Michael Groden's "Life with James Joyce's Ulysses" Thurs, 26 Mar, 6:00 pm Postponed
    Of Ghosts and Girls in Ulysses 13 by Patrizia Grimaldi-Pizzorno Mon, 13 Apr, 6:00 pm Postponed
    Joyce and the Law: Paperback Launch - A Roundtable Discussion Thurs, 30 Apr Postponed

    The James Joyce Society
    Virtual Meeting

    "Re: Imagining Ulysses"
    Michael Patrick Gillespie, Professor of English
    Florida International University

    Friday 25 September 2020 6:00 pm
    (See below for URL and Meeting ID)

    Please click this URL to start or join.
    Or, go to https://nyit.zoom.us/join
    and enter meeting ID: 954 5825 8286 and password: stately

    Join from dial-in phone line:
    Dial: +1 646 876 9923 or +1 301 715 8592
    Meeting ID: 954 5825 8286

    Participant ID: Shown after joining the meeting
    International numbers available: https://nyit.zoom.us/u/abFlR69Uoy

    The James Joyce Society
    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Jonathan Goldman, Vice President
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Heyward Ehrlich, Webmaster
    Trisha O’Neill, Assistant
    Yearly Membership: $25.00
    Visitors at meetings: $ 7.00
    Please visit our website: joycesociety.org.

    Virtual! Bloomsday on Broadway -- and more!

    Happy Bloomsday to All!

    First, Please mark your calendar for our first-ever virtual James Joyce Society meeting scheduled for Friday, September 25th. Mike Groden will be our speaker. We certainly hope to meet again at Glucksman Ireland House NYU, but between now and that time we are adapting the best we can to the restrictions placed on us by the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Bloomsday on Broadway, Tuesday, June 16, 2020

    Presented by Symphony Space in collaboration with the Irish Arts Center (IOC) co-sponsored by The James Joyce Society

    NYC's longest-running Bloomsday celebration goes virtual this year. Symphony Space's "Bloomsday on Broadway" will be streamed on the Symphony Space Youtube channel. Starting at 8am and continuing throughout the day, a luminous cast of readers (see below) will offer readings from each Ulysses episode.



    Our very own Jonathan Goldman, Vice-President of the James Joyce Society and scholar consultant at Symphony Space, has prepared the following announcement. With one exception, Jonathan selected the excerpts to be read:

    The schedule of readers:

    8AM: From Episode I: Telemachus performed by Stephen Colbert (selected by himself)
    8:45AM: From Episode II: Nestor performed by Rita Wolf
    9:30AM: From Episode III: Proteus performed by Zach Grenier
    10:15AM: From Episode IV: Calypso performed by Fiona Shaw With music performed by Nuala Kennedy & Caoimhín Vallely
    11AM: From Episode V: Lotus Eaters performed by Peter Francis James
    11:45AM: From Episode VI: Hades performed by Malachy McCourt
    12:30PM: From Episode VII: Aeolus performed by Mia Dillon With music performed by Chris Ranney & Caitlin Warbelow
    1:15PM: From Episode VIII: Lestrygonians performed by Kate Mulgrew
    2PM: From Episode IX: Scylla and Charybdis performed by Cynthia Nixon
    2:45PM: From Episode X: Wandering Rocks performed by Hugh Dancy
    3:30PM: From Episode XI: Sirens performed by Donna Lynne Champlin With music performed by Chris Ranney & Caitlin Warbelow
    4:15PM: From Episode XII: Cyclops performed by Colum McCann
    5PM: From Episode XIII: Nausicaa performed by Claire Danes
    5:45PM: From Episode XIV: Oxen of the Sun performed by Brian Cox
    6:30PM: From Episode XV: Circe performed by Dan Stevens
    7:15PM: From Episode XVI: Eumaeus performed by Juliana Canfield With music performed by Brenda Castles
    8PM: From Episode XVII: Ithaca performed by Denis O’Hare

    Some other Blooomsday happenings!

  • See The James Joyce Quarterly list of other Bloomsday 2020 celebrations, including
    the James Joyce Center Dublin, the Rosenbach, SUNY Buffalo, Trinity College Dublin, and Melbourne:

  • David Nowlan, an artist in Dublin, will present online the Bloomsday exhibition originally scheduled to be held at the James Joyce Centre:: http://www.bloomsdayfestival.ie/shut-your-eyes-and-see.

  • James Heffernan's “Stephen Dedalus, Leopold Bloom, and the Ghost of Shakespeare in Chapter 9 of Ulysses” will be available at 11am MDT (Mountain Daylight Time) on Bloomsday at https://lannan.org/events/stephen-dedalus-leopold-bloom-ghost-of-shakespeare-chapter-9-ulysses

  • Omniscience Joyce Conference: Trieste, Italy POSTPONED TO 2021
    Trieste Symposium
    -- Ronan Crowley, John McCourt, Katherine O’Callaghan, and Laura Pelaschiar Omniscientific Joyce Organising Committee

    From John McCourt
    March 9 at 10:54 AM

    Looking in at Italy people should be able to see how serious things are with Covid-19 and to realise it is not an Italian problem. What we have here is a dramatic situation which the government is trying hard to manage: rapidly climbing numbers of people infected, many seriously, and a rapidly growing number of deaths. Vast areas are in quarantine; huge numbers working from home or trying to, normal life suspended, prison riots, an economy in free fall. Life has changed utterly in a week and even if things pick up in a couple of months this is the start of a much bigger change. Life as we knew it, where economic growth is the only criteria that matters, has to end. The planet cannot take it any more. Looking out from Italy, the impression is that the penny hasn't really dropped and that a lot of people still haven't realised that Italy is simply a week or two ahead of the other countries, a test case (with a fair more resilient public health service than many other countries have). It is dispiriting to see Trump off playing golf and belittling the crisis, Boris Johnson telling us nothing has changed, Cheltenham going ahead as well as a Wales-Scotland rugby match, Leo Varadkar dithering about St Patrick's Day parades and flying to Washington to give the orange man a shamrock, the 160 members of Dail Eireann allowing a party with just 35 TDs to coordinate the response when what is needed is a national emergency government. Yes, we should all wash our hands but it is also time for governments and people take serious action to help manage what will be a very difficult social situation. Alternatively they can just to read Ulysses and hope for the best.

    Flower of the Bath, pray for us.

    Wandering Soap, pray for us.

    Midwife Most Merciful, pray for us.

    Potato Preservative against Plague and Pestilence, pray for us.

    John McCourt
    Update from Italy, 17 March 2020

    The total number of Coronavirus cases in Italy (included the deceased and the cured): 31,506 (+2898 since yesterday and a bigger jump than over the previous day.

    A further 192 were cured over the past 24 hours bringing the total to 2,941.

    A further 2,989 people tested positive.

    11,109 of those infected are at home in self-isolation.

    12,894 are in hospital but a further 2,060 are in intensive care.

    A further 345 people died over the past 24 hours bringing the total to 2,503.

    The peak in this pandemic in Italy has been pushed back to 25 March so clearly we are still very much in the thick of the struggle.

    Despite a fairly disciplined national response to the need to keep by the self-distancing rules, 7,890 Italians were reported for non-compliance with the anti-Covid-19 laws (in other words they were out and about causing danger to themselves and to those who were out because they had to be.

    The 17th of March is both Ireland’s national day – St Patrick’s Day - and the Italian National Unity Day. The Unity of Italy was proclaimed in Turin on 17 March, 1861. Italy, experts say, is 10 days or so ahead of Ireland in its battle against #Covid-19. Let’s hope Ireland and other countries are learning from its good example. Let’s also think of today as a day to hope for even more European unity in the fight against this beast which we can beat if we stay united by staying divided in our homes. #andratuttobene #allwillbewell

    To top

    The James Joyce Society

    Celebrates the Publication of

    Michael Groden's
    The Necessary Fiction: Life with James Joyce's Ulysses
    (Website: http://www.eerpublishing.com/groden-necessary-fiction---ulysses.html)
    for discount use code GRODEN25 at checkout

    "Looking back on it all
    in a kind of retrospective arrangement":
    Writing About a Life With Ulysses
    Michael Groden
    Distinguished University Professor Emeritus
    University of Western Ontario
    Thursday, 26 March 2020, 6:00 pm Postponed


    Group Discussion of "Tutto e ScioIto"
    (A copy of the poem is below.)
    facilitated by Patrick Reilly
    Adjunct Associate Professor of English
    Baruch College

    Glucksman Ireland House, New York University, 1 Washington Mews
    (5th Ave bet Washington Sq N and 8th St: Link to map of Glucksman House

    The James Joyce Society
    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Jonathan Goldman, Vice President
    Heyward Ehrlich, Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Trisha O'Neill, Assistant

    Yearly Membership: $25.00 Visitors at meetings: $ 7.00
    Please visit our website: joycesociety.org
    Future Meeting: May 14th (Thursday) Postponed.

    Tutto e Sciolto
    1     A birdless heaven, seadusk, one lone star
    2     Piercing the west, ,
    3     As thou, fond heart, love's time, so faint, so far,
    4     Rememberest.
    6     The clear young eyes' soft look, the candid brow,
    7     The fragrant hair,
    8     Falling as through the silence falleth now
    9     Dusk of the air.
    11    Why then, remembering those shy
    12    Sweet lures, repine
    13    When the dear love she yielded with a sigh
    14    Was all but thine?

    To top

    The James Joyce Society


    Of Ghosts and Girls in Ulysses 13
    On Monday, 13 April 2020, 6:00 pm Postponed
    Patrizia Grimaldi-Pizzorno, Senior Lecturer
    University of Siena, Siena, Italy
    Group Discussion of an Excerpt from Oxen of the Sun
    Ulysses 14:1528-15 45 facilitated by
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer, The James Joyce Society
    (A copy of the passage is below.)

    Glucksman Ireland House, New York University, 1 Washington Mews
    (5th Avenue bet. Washington Sq N and 8th St)
    Link to map of Glucksman House

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Jonathan Goldman, Vice President
    Heyward Ehrlich, Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Trisha O'Neill, Assistant

    Yearly Membership: $25.00, Visitors at meetings: $ 7.00
    Please visit our website: joyce society.org

    Ulysses 14:1528-1545
    Excerpt from Oxen of the Sun Episode

    1     You move a motion? Steve boy, you're going it some. More bluggy
    2     drunkables? Will immensely splendiferous stander permit one stooder of most
    3     extreme poverty and one Iargesize grandacious thirst to terminate one expensive
    4     inaugurated libation? Give's a breather. Landlord, landlord, have you good wine,
    5     staboo? Hoots, mo11, a wee drar to pree . Cut and come again. Right. Boniface!
    6     Absinthe the lot. No omnes biberimus viridum toxicum diabolus capiat posterioria
    7     nostria.
    Closing time, gents, eh? Rome boose for the Bloom toff. I hear you say
    8     onions? Bloo? Cadges ads. Photo's papli, by all that's gorgeous. Play low, pardner.
    9     Slide. Bonsoir la compagme. And snares of the poxfiend. Where's the buck and
    10    Namby Amby? Skunked? Leg bail. Aweel, ye mn un e'en gang yer gates.
    11    Checkmate. King to tower. Kind Kristyann wil yu help yung man hoose frend tuk
    12    bungellow kee tu find plais whear tu lay crown of his hed 2 night. Crickey, I'm
    13    about sprung. Tamally dog gone my shins i f this beent the bestest puttiest
    14    Iongbreak yet. Item, curate, couple of cookies for this child. Cot's plood and
    15    prandypalls, none! Not a pite of sheeses? Thrust syphilis down to hell and with him
    16    those other licensed spirits. Time, gents! Who wander through the world. Health
    17    all! A la votre!

    To top

    The James Joyce Society


    Joyce and the Law Paperback Launch:
    A Roundtable Discussion
    Thursday, 30 April 2020, Postponed

    moderated by Jonathan Goldman
    Volume Editor and Vice-President of The James Joyce Society
    Amanda Golden, Associate Professor of English,
    New York Institute of Technology
    Joseph Hassett, Independent Scholar
    Celia Marshik, Professor of English, Stony Brook University
    Janine Utell, Professor of English. Widener University

    At Glucksman Ireland House, New York University,
    1 Washington Mews (5th Ave bet. Washington Sq N and 8th St)
    Link to map of Glucksman House

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Jonathan Goldman, Vice President
    Heyward Ehrlich, Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Trisha O'Neill, Assistant

    Yearly Membership: $25.00 Visitors at meetings: $ 7.00

    Please visit our website: joycesociety.org

    Return to top

    R E C E N T     E V E N T S    

    The James Joyce Society

    on Thursday, 20 February 2020, 6:00 pm


    "I heard the hallstand rocking
    ...I could interpret these signs":
    The Alcoholic Father and the Hyper-Acute Child
    in Dubliners and Portrait

    by Garry Leonard
    Professor of Literature and Film
    University of Toronto

    Group Discussion of an Excerpt from
    Giacomo Joyce (text below)
    facilitated by Stephen J. Pantani
    Treasurer, The James Joyce Society

    Jan Pieters Sweelink. The quaint name of the old Dutch musician makes all beauty
    seem quaint and far. I hear his variations for the clavichord on an old air: Youth has
    an end.
    In the vague mist of old sounds a faint point of light appears: the speech of
    the soul is about to be heard. Youth has an end: the end is here. It will never be.
    You know that well. What then? Write it, damn you, write it! What else are you
    good for?

    “Because otherwise I could not see you.”
    Sliding-space-ages-foliage of stars-and waning heaven-stillness-and
    stillness deeper-stillness of annihilation-and her voice.

    Non hunc sed Barabbam!

    Unreadiness. A bare apartment. Torbid daylight. A long black piano: coffin of
    music. Poised on its edge a woman’s hat, red-flowered, and umbrella, furled. Her
    arms: a casque, gules, and blunt spear on a field, sable.

    Envoy: Love me, love my umbrella.

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Jonathan Goldman, Vice President
    Heyward Ehrlich, Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Trisha O’Neill, Assistant

    Yearly Membership:  $25.00   Membership/Renewal Form is attached.
    Visitors at meetings:  $ 7.00
    Please visit our website:  joycesociety.org

    BROWSE The James Joyce Society online:  The JJS website, at joycesociety.org, contains past programs, a gallery of original art and photography pertaining to Joyce, a membership form, a slide show of Joyce photographs, Gotham Book Mart information, and links to other Joyce websites.

    E mail addresses:
    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President:  afargnoli@molloy.edu
    Email:  info@joycesociety.org
    Website:  http://joycesociety.org
    Webmaster:  info@heywardehrlich.com

    Link to map of Glucksman House
    1 Washington Mews

    The James Joyce Society

    Invites you

    to its Thursday, 30 January 2020, Program

    James Ramey, Professor of Humanities,
    Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico City, Mexico
    on "James Joyce and the Posthumanist Reader"
    (see notes below)


    Group Discussion of Finnegans Wake 57:4-29
    Facilitated by Alison Armstrong
    School of Visual Arts
    Contr. ed. Irish Literary Supplement
    (see text below)

    at Glucksman Ireland House,
    New York University, 1 Washington Mews
    (5th Ave. bet Washington Square N and 8th St)
    The meeting will start promptly at 6:00 P.M.

    Notes: In What is Posthumanism?, Cary Wolfe advances a melding of Jacques Derrida's work with that of Niklas Luhmann. It is true that there have been numerous other proposed theorizations of how the enmeshing of human beings in their biological and technological milieus has given rise to a posthuman condition (e.g., Michel Serres, Katherine Hayles, Bernard Stiegler, and David Wills). However, Wolfe makes a valuable contribution in arguing that what Derrida and Luhmann most have in common is a "mutational, viral, or parasitic form of thinking," one that does not "turn away from the complexities and paradoxes of self-referential autopoiesis", but rather encounters there what Wolfe posits as "openness from closure," an idea which in turn emphasizes a notion of "boundary" found in both Luhmann and Derrida: "the very thing that separates us from the world connects us to the world, and self-referential, autopoietic closure, far from indicating a kind of solipsistic neo-Kantian idealism, actually is generative of openness to the environment". In other words, only through the parasite of paradoxical thought can we understand the permeability of all boundaries: what blinds us gives us sight, what separates us connects us, what closes us opens us. And yet, I wish to suggest that for all its theoretical rigor and originality, Wolfe's book does not offer much in the way of readerly methodology. Moreover, Wolfe omits reference to Luhmann's overt appropriation of Derrida's thought in developing his theory of observing systems in Art as a Social System: "second- and third-order observations explicate the world´s unobservability as an unmarked space carried along in all observations. Transparency is paid for with opacity, and this is what ensures the (autopoietic) continuation of the operations, the displacement, the différance (Derrida) of the difference between what is observed and what remains unobserved." This paper will experiment with Luhmann's observation theory to propose a critical methodology for what I will call 'close observing' of literary texts; close observing, over and against 'close reading', is possible only for what Luhmann describes as observers of the second and third orders.

    Professor Ramey has published articles on James Joyce in journals including James Joyce Quarterly, Comparative Literature, College Literature, and Comparative Literature Studies. He served as lead organizer of "Joyce Without Borders - 2019 James Joyce Symposium" in Mexico City, and is currently writing a book called Micro-Modernism: Parasitic Textuality and Posthumanism, a study of posthumanist intertextuality in works by James Joyce, Jorge Luis Borges, Vladimir Nabokov and Luis Buñuel.

    Finnegans Wake, 57.4-29
    1.   The forefarther folkers for a prize of two peaches with Ming, Ching and Shunny on
    2.   the lie low lea. We'll sit down on the hope of the ghouly ghost for the titheman
    3.   troubleth but his hantitat hies not here. They answer from their Zoans; Hear the
    4.   four of them! Hark torroar of them! I, says Armagh, and a'm proud o'it. I, says
    5.   Clonakilty, God help us ! I, says Deansgrange,  > > and say nothing. I, says Barna, and
    6.   whatabout it? Hee haw! Be- fore he fell hill he filled heaven: a stream, alplapping
    7.   streamlet, coyly coiled um, cool of her curls: We were but thermites then, wee,
    8.   wee. Our antheap we sensed as a Hill of Allen, the Barrow for an People, one
    9.   Jotnursfjaell: and it was a grummelung amung the porktroop that wonderstruck us
    10.   as a thunder, yunder.
    11.     Thus the unfacts, did we possess them, are too imprecisely few to warrant
    12.   our certitude, the evidencegivers by legpoll too untrustworthily irreperible where
    13.   his adjugers are semmingly freak threes but his judicandees plainly minus twos.
    14.   Nevertheless Madam's Toshowus waxes largely more lifeliked (entrance, one
    15.   kudos; exits, free) and our notional gullery is now com- pletely complacent, an
    16.   exegious monument, aerily perennious. Oblige with your blackthorns; gamps,
    17.   degrace! And there many have paused before that exposure of him by old Tom
    18.   Quad, a flashback in which he sits sated, gowndabout, in clericalease habit,
    19.   watching bland sol slithe dodgsomely into the nethermore, a globule of
    20.   maugdleness about to corrugitate his mild dewed cheek and the tata of a tiny
    21.   victorienne, Alys, pressed by his limper looser.

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Jonathan Goldman, Vice President
    Heyward Ehrlich, Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Trisha O’Neill, Assistant

    Yearly Membership:  $25.00   Membership/Renewal Form is attached.
    Visitors at meetings:  $ 7.00
    Please visit our website:  joycesociety.org

    BROWSE The James Joyce Society online:  The JJS website, at joycesociety.org, contains past programs, a gallery of original art and photography pertaining to Joyce, a membership form, a slide show of Joyce photographs, Gotham Book Mart information, and links to other Joyce websites.

    E mail addresses:
    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President:  afargnoli@molloy.edu
    Email:  info@joycesociety.org
    Website:  http://joycesociety.org
    Webmaster:  info@heywardehrlich.com

    Link to map of Glucksman House
    1 Washington Mews

    Back to Top 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
    2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

    The James Joyce Society

    Invites you

    to its Monday, 16 September 2019, Program at Glucksman Ireland House,
    New York University, 1 Washington Mews
    (5th Avenue between Washington Square North and 8th Street)
    The meeting will start promptly at 6:00 P.M.

    Borges and Joyce
    Carlos Gamerro
    Buenos Aires


    Group Discussion:
    Ulysses 8:551-585
    facilitated by
    Jonathan Goldman
    Vice President, The James Joyce Society
    (A copy of the passage is attached.)

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Jonathan Goldman, Vice President
    Heyward Ehrlich, Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer                                                                                        
    Trisha O’Neill, Assistant

    Yearly Membership:  $25.00   Membership/Renewal Form is attached.
    Visitors at meetings:  $ 7.00
    Please visit our website:  joycesociety.org

    BROWSE The James Joyce Society online:  The JJS website, at joycesociety.org, contains past programs, a gallery of original art and photography pertaining to Joyce, a membership form, a slide show of Joyce photographs, Gotham Book Mart information, and links to other Joyce websites.

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President:  afargnoli@molloy.edu
    Email:  info@joycesociety.org
    Website:  http://joycesociety.org
    Webmaster:  info@heywardehrlich.com

    From Ulysses 8:551-585

    01    He crossed at Nassau street corner and stood before the window of
    02  Yeates and Son, pricing the fieldglasses. Or will I drop into old Harris's and
    03  have a chat with young Sinclair? Wellmannered fellow. Probably at his
    04  lunch. Must get those old glasses of mine set right. Goerz lenses six guineas.
    05  Germans making their way everywhere. Sell on easy terms to capture trade.
    06  Undercutting. Might chance on a pair in the railway lost property office.
    07  Astonishing the things people leave behind them in trains and cloakrooms.
    08  What do they be thinking about? Women too. Incredible. Last year
    09  travelling to Ennis had to pick up that farmer's daughter's bag and hand it
    10  to her at Limerick junction. Unclaimed money too. There's a little watch up
    11  there on the roof of the bank to test those glasses by.
    12   His lids came down on the lower rims of his irides. Can't see it. If you
    13  imagine it's there you can almost see it. Can't see it.
    14   He faced about and, standing between the awnings, held out his right
    15  hand at arm's length towards the sun. Wanted to try that often. Yes:
    16  completely. The tip of his little finger blotted out the sun's disk. Must be the
    17  focus where the rays cross. If I had black glasses. Interesting. There was a
    18  lot of talk about those sunspots when we were in Lombard street west.
    19  Looking up from the back garden. Terrific explosions they are. There will
    20  be a total eclipse this year: autumn some time.
    21   Now that I come to think of it that ball falls at Greenwich time. It's
    22  the clock is worked by an electric wire from Dunsink. Must go out there
    23  some first Saturday of the month. If I could get an introduction to professor
    24  Joly or learn up something about his family. That would do to: man always
    25  feels complimented. Flattery where least expected. Nobleman proud to be
    26  descended from some king's mistress. His foremother. Lay it on with a
    27  trowel. Cap in hand goes through the land. Not go in and blurt out what
    28  you know you're not to: what's parallax? Show this gentleman the door.
    29    Ah.
    30    His hand fell to his side again.
    31   Never know anything about it. Waste of time. Gasballs spinning
    32  about, crossing each other, passing. Same old dingdong always. Gas: then
    33  solid: then world: then cold: then dead shell drifting around, frozen rock,
    35  like that pineapple rock. The moon. Must be a new moon out, she said. I
    35  believe there is.

    Link to map of Glucksman House
    1 Washington Mews

    The James Joyce Society
    Invites you to its Friday, 15 March 2019, Program at Glucksman Ireland House,
    New York University, 1 Washington Mews

    (5th Avenue between Washington Square North and 8th Street)
    The meeting will start promptly at 6:00 P.M.
    Reading Joyce Again Through New Letters
     William S. Brockman
    Paterno Family Librarian for Literature
    Pennsylvania State University
    Michael Groden
    Distinguished University Professor Emeritus
    Western University Canada
    Group Discussion of “Tilly”
    facilitated by
    Patrick Reilly
    Adjunct Associate Professor of English
    Baruch College
    (find a copy below)_ 


    1 He travels after a winter sun
    2 Urging the cattle along a cold red road,
    3 Calling to them, a voice they know,
    4 He drives his beasts above Cabra.
    6 The voice tells them home is warm.
    7 They moo and make brute music with their hoofs.
    8 He drives them with a flowering branch before him,
    9 Smoke pluming their foreheads.
    11 Boor, bond of the herd,
    12 Tonight stretch full by the fire!
    13 I bleed by the black stream
    14 For my torn bough!

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Heyward Ehrlich, Vice President & Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Trisha O’Neill, Assistant
    Yearly Membership:  $25.00   Membership/Renewal Form
    Visitors at meetings:  $ 7.00
    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President:  afargnoli@molloy.edu
    Email:  info@joycesociety.org
    Website:  http://joycesociety.org
    Webmaster:  info@heywardehrlich.com

    Link to map of Glucksman House
    1 Washington Mews

    The James Joyce Society

    The James Joyce Society

    Invites you to its Friday, 1 February 2019, Program at Glucksman Ireland House,
    New York University, 1 Washington Mews
    (5th Avenue between Washington Square North and 8th Street)
    The meeting will start promptly at 6:00 P.M.

    Rewriting the Lyric:
    Sylvia Plath Annotating James Joyce
    Amanda Golden

    Assistant Professor of English
    New York Institute of Technology


    Group Discussion of an Excerpt from
    Finnegans Wake 613.05-16
    facilitated by
    Stephen J. Pantani
    Treasurer, The James Joyce Society

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Heyward Ehrlich, Vice President & Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Trisha O’Neill, Assistant

    Yearly Membership: $25.00 Membership/Renewal Form is attached.
    Visitors at meetings: $ 7.00
    Please visit our website: joycesociety.org

    BROWSE The James Joyce Society online:
    The JJS website, at joycesociety.org, contains past programs,
    a gallery of original art and photography pertaining to Joyce,
    a membership form, a slide show of Joyce photographs,
    Gotham Book Mart information, and links to other Joyce websites.

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President: afargnoli@molloy.edu
    Email: info@joycesociety.org
    Website: http://joycesociety.org
    Webmaster: info@heywardehrlich.com

    Link to map of Glucksman House
    1 Washington Mews

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, president
    Heyward Ehrlich, Vice President & Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Trisha O’Neill, Assistant
    Yearly Membership $25 00
    Visitors at meetings $ 7.00
    Please visit our website Joycesociety org

    Back to Top 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
    2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

    The James Joyce Society

    Invites you to its Program on Saturday, 6 October 2018
    at Glucksman Ireland House,
    New York University, 1 Washington Mews
    (5th Avenue between Washington Square North and 8th Street)
    The meeting will start promptly at 6:00 P.M.

    Steganographic Joyce:
    Exploring the Enigmatic Entychologist
    by Dylan Emerick-Brown
    AICE Cambridge Teacher and English Department Chairperson
    Deltona High School

    Group Discussion of an Excerpt from
    Finnegans Wake 424.14-22
    facilitated by Stephen J. Pantani
    Treasurer, The James Joyce Society

    1 – But for what, thrice truthful teller, Shaun of grace? weakly
    2 we went on to ask now of the gracious one. Vouchsafe to say.
    3 You will now, goodness, won't you? Why?
    4 – For his root language, if you ask me whys, Shaun replied,
    5 as he blessed himself devotionally like a crawsbomb, making act
    6 of oblivion, footinmouther! (what the thickuns else?) which he
    7 picksticked into his lettruce invrention. Ullhodturdenweirmud-
    8 gaardgringnirurdrmolnirfenrirlukkilokkibaugimandodrrerin-
    9 surtkrinmgernrackinarockar! Thor's for yo!

    Link to map of Glucksman House
    1 Washington Mews

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, president
    Heyward Ehrlich, Vice President & Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Trisha O’Neill, Assistant
    Yearly Membership $25 00
    Visitors at meetings $ 7.00
    Please visit our website Joycesociety org

    The James Joyce Society
    Invites you to its Friday, 8 June 2018 Program
    at Glucksman Ireland House,
    New York University, 1 Washington Mews
    (5th Avenue between Washington Square North and 8th Street)
    The meeting will start promptly at 6:00 P.M.

    Love’s Old Sweet Songs
    How Music Scores Memory in Sirens and Penelope


    Patrick Reilly
    Adjunct Associate Professor of English
    Baruch College

    Group Discussion of an Excerpt from
    Finnegans Wake I,v.123.11–29
    facilitated by Michael Opest
    Adjunct Instructor
    Fairleigh Dickinson University
    (A copy of the passage is below.)

    Finnegans Wake I,v.123.11–29:
    1.Duff-Muggli, who now may be quoted by very kind arrangement (his dectroscophonious
    2. photosensition under suprasonic light control may be logged for by our none too distant futures
    3. as soon astone values can be turned out from Chromophilomos, Limited at a millicentime the
    4. microamp), first called this kind of paddygoeasy partnership the ulykkhean or tetrachiric or
    5. quadrumane or duck and drakes or debts and dishes perplex (v. ome Forestallings over that
    6. Studium of Sexophonologistic Schizophronesis, vol. xxiv, pp. 2-555) after the wellinformed
    7. observation, made miles apart from the Master by Tung-Toyd (cf. Later Frustrations amongst
    8. the Neomugglian Teachings abaft the Semiunconscience, passim
    ) that in the case of the
    9. littleknown periplic bestteller popularly associated with the names of the wretched mariner
    10. (trianforan deffwedoff our plumsucked pattern shapekeeper) a Punic admiralty report, From
    11. MacPerson’s Oshean Round By the Tides of Jason’s Cruise,
    had been cleverly capsized and
    12. saucily republished as a dodecanesian baedeker of the every+-tale-a-treat-in-itself variety which
    13. could hope satisfactorily to tickle me gander as game+ as your goose.

    Link to map of Glucksman House
    1 Washington Mews

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, president
    Heyward Ehrlich, Vice President & Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Cynthia Cox Assistant
    Yearly Membership $25 00
    Visitors at meetings $ 7.00
    Please visit our website Joycesociety org

    The James Joyce Society
    Invites you to its Thursday, 19 April 2018, Program
    at Glucksman Ireland House,
    New York University, 1 Washington Mews
    (5th Avenue between Washington Square North and 8th Street)
    The meeting will start promptly at 7:00 P.M.

    Citizen Bloom on the Strand:
    Vampiric Representation in Nausicaa
    Michael Opest
    Adjunct Instructor
    Fairleigh Dickinson University

    Group Discussion
    facilitated by
    Kevin Gilroy
    Amateur Joyce Scholar

    An Excerpt from<Finnegans Wake III.ii.448.34 – 449.12

    1 Sis dearest, Jaun added, with voise somewhit murky, what
    2 though still high fa luting, as he turned his dorse to her to pay
    3 court to it, and ouverleaved his booseys to give the note and
    4 score, phonoscopically incuriosited and melancholic this time
    5 whiles, as on the fulmament he gaped in wulderment, his on-
    6 saturncast eyes in stellar attraction followed swift to an imagin-
    7 ary swellaw, O, the vanity of Vanissy! All ends vanishing! Pur-
    8 sonally, Grog help me, I am in no violent hurry. If time enough
    9 lost the ducks walking easy found them. I'll nose a blue fonx
    10 with any tristys blinking upon this earthlight of all them that
    11 pass by the way of the deerdrive, conconey's run or wilfrid's
    12 walk, but I'd turn back as lief as not if I could only spoonfind
    12 the nippy girl of my heart's appointment, Mona Vera Toutou
    14 Ipostila, my lady of Lyons, to guide me by gastronomy under
    15 her safe conduct. That's more in my line.

    Glucksman Ireland House, NYU

    Link to map of Glucksman House
    1 Washington Mews

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, president
    Heyward Ehrlich, Vice President & Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Cynthia Cox Assistant
    Yearly Membership $25 00
    Visitors at meetings $ 7.00
    Please visit our website Joycesociety org

    The James Joyce Society
    Invites you to hear

    Vico Influenced Joyce:
    Reappraising an Ideal History
    Robert Baines
    Assistant Professor
    University of Evansville

    Group Discussion of an Excerpt from
    Finnegans Wake 292.04-32
    facilitated by
    Stephen J. Pantani
    Treasurer, The James Joyce Society

    Friday, 16 February 2018, 6:00pm

    Finnegans Wake 292.04-32

    1 if the so greatly displeaced diorems in the Saint Lubbock's Day number of that most improv-
    2 ing of roundshows, *Spice and Westend Woman* (utterly exhausted before publication,
    3 indiapepper edition shortly), are for our indices, it agins to pear like it, par my fay, and there is
    4 no use for your pastripreaching for to cheesse it either or praying fresh fleshblood claspers of
    5 young catholick throats on Huggin Green\1 to take warning by the prispast, why?, by cows *
    6 man, in shirt, is how he is *piu la gonna mobile* and * they wonet do ut; and, an you could peep
    7 inside the cerebralised saucepan of this eer illwinded goodfornobody, you would see in his house
    8 of thoughtsam (was you, that is, decontaminated enough to look discarnate) what a jetsam
    9 litterage of convolvuli of times lost or strayed, of lands derelict and of tongues laggin too, longa
    10 yamsayore, not only that but, search lighting, beached, bashed and beaushelled *a la Mer*
    11 bpharahead into faturity, your own convolvulis pickninnig capman would real to jazztfancy the
    12 novo takin place of what stale words whilom were woven with and fitted fairly featly for, so; and
    131 equally so, the crame of the whole faustian fustian, whether your launer's lightsome or your
    41 soulard's schwearmood, it is that, whenas the swiftshut scareyss of our pupilteachertaut duplex
    5 will hark back to lark to you symibellically that, though a day be as dense as a decade, no mouth
    16 has the might to set a mearbound to the march of a landsmaul\2 in half a sylb, helf a solb, holf a
    17 salb onward\3 the beast of boredom, common sense, lurking gyrographically down inside his
    18 loose Eating S.S. collar is gogoing of whisth to you sternly how -- Plutonic loveliaks twinnt
    19 Platonic yearlings -- you must, how, in undivided reawlity draw the line somewhawre)

    1 Where Buickly of the Glass and Bellows pumped the Rudge engineral.
    2 Matter of Brettaine and brut fierce.
    3 Bussmullah, cried Lord Wolsley, how me Aunty Mag'll row!

    Glucksman Ireland House, NYU

    Link to map of Glucksman House
    1 Washington Mews

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, president
    Heyward Ehrlich, Vice President & Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Cynthia Cox Assistant
    Yearly Membership $25 00
    Visitors at meetings $ 7.00
    Please visit our website Joycesociety org

    Back to Top 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
    2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

    The James Joyce Society
    Invites you to hear

    Malignant Self Love:
    Mr Duffy's Pain Revisited

    by Alison Armstrong

    School of Visual Arta
    Contributing Editor, Irish Literary Supplement

    Joyce and the Double Dactyl
    Neil Hickey
    Adjunct Associate Professor
    Columbia University Graduate Shcdol of Journalism

    Wednesday, November 1, 2017 6:00 pm
    Glucksman Irelend House, NYU

    Link to map of Glucksman House
    1 Washington Mews

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, president
    Heyward Ehrlich, Vice President & Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Cynthia Cox Assistant
    Yearly Membership $25 00
    Visitors at meetings $ 7.00
    Please visit our website Joycesociety org

    The James Joyce Society
    Invites you to hear

    Reinventing the Word:
    James Joyce, Christian Heresy, and Visual Imagining

    by Gregory Erickson

    Associate Professor, New York University


    Group Discussion of An Excerpt from Finnegans Wake II.2.293
    facilitated by
    Alisom Armstrong
    School of Visual Arts
    Contributing ed., Irish Literary Supplement
    Thursday, June 15, 2017 at 6:00 pm

    Finnegans Wake II.2.293:
    (Note: [R] and [L] indicate text columns)

    Coss? Cossist? Your parn! You, you make [R2]
    what name? (and in truth, as a poor soul is [R2]
    between shift and shift ere the teath he has [R3]
    lived through becomes the life he is to die
    into, he or he had albut -- he was rickets as to
    reasons but the balance of his minds was
    stables -- lost himself or himself some som-
    nione sciupiones, soswhitchoverswetch had
    he or he gazet, murphy come, murphy go,
    murphy plant, murphy grow, a maryamyria-
    meliamurphies, in the lazily eye of his lapis,

    [L1] Vieus Von DVbLIn, 'twas one of dozedeams
    [L2] a darkies ding in dewood) the Turnpike under
    [L3] the Great Ulm (with Mearingstone in Fore
    [L4] ground).[1] Given now ann linch you take enn
    all. Allow me! And, heaving alljawbreakical
    expressions out of old Sare Isaac's[2] universal
    [L5] of specious aristmystic unsaid, A is for Anna
    [L6] like L is for liv. Aha hahah, Ante Ann you're
    [L7] apt to ape aunty annalive! Dawn gives rise.
    [L8] Lo, lo, lives love! Eve takes fall. La, la, laugh
    leaves alass! Aiaiaiai, Antiann, we're last to
    the lost, Loulou! Tis perfect. Now (lens

    [L1] - Uteralterance or [R1] - WHY MY AS
    [L2] - the Interplay of [R2] - LIKEWISE
    [L3] - Bones in the       [R3] - WHIS HIS.
    [L4] - Womb.

    [L5] - The Vortex.
    [L6] - Spring of Sprung
    [L7] - Verse. The Ver-
    [L8] - tex.

    [1] Draumcondra's Dream country where the betterlies blow.
    [2] O, Laughing Sally, are we going to be toadhauntered by that old

    Link to map of Glucksman House
    1 Washington Mews

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, president
    Heyward Ehrlich, Vice President & Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Cynthia Cox Assistant
    Yearly Membership $25 00
    Visitors at meetings $ 7.00
    Please visit our website Joycesociety org

    The James Joyce Society
    Invites you to hear

    Maria McGarrity
    Professor, LIU

    will talk on
    The Afterlives of Roger Casement:
    Ulysses, Finnegans Wake, and Beyond

    and a group discussion of
    "The Ballad of Persse O'Reilly"
    facilitated by Patrick Reilly
    Adj. Asst. Prof., Baruch College

    Thurs., April 13, 2017 at 7:00 pm

    So snug he was in his hotel premises sumptuous
    But soon we'll bonfire his trash, tricks,. and trumpery
    And 'tis short till sheriff Clancy'll be winding up his unlimited company

    With the bailiff's bom at the door
    (Chorus) Bimbnam at the door
    Then he'll bum no more. (FW 46:6-12)
    Link to map of Glucksman House
    1 Washington Mews

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, president
    Heyward Ehrlich, Vice President & Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Cynthia Cox Assistant
    Yearly Membership $25 00
    Visitors at meetings $ 7.00
    Please visit our website Joycesociety org

    The James Joyce Society
    Invites you to its Thursday, 2 February 2017 Program
    at Glucksman Ireland House
    NYU, 1 Washington Mews
    (5th Avenue bet Washington Sq N and 8th St)
    The meeting will start promptly at 6:00 P.M.

    Enduring Pleasures, Minor Pains:
    The Joys and the Few Infelicities of Ulysses
    Robert J. Seidman
    Freelance Write

    Group Discussion facilitated by
    Patrick Reilly
    Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
    Baruch College

    On the anniversary of Joyce's birthday, February 2nd, 1882, it might be a good time to revisit the mysterious birth of his most famous female character, Molly Bloom--Marion Tweedy, before she is married. Conceived on December 8th, 1869, the feast of the Immaculate Conception, Marion is born nine months later on September 8th, 1870, in Gibraltar to two of the most mysterious parents in fiction. Is she, like her immortal namesake, also conceived immaculately? Neither she nor we know anything substantial about her mother:"my mother whoever she was" was possibly one Lunita Laredo (18.846-47, 848). Her father, Major Brian Cooper Tweedy, is not prepared to say. He himself is a suspect character -- possibly a Sergeant Major, maybe a Major, or a Drum Major in the Royal Dublin Fusiliers (albeit the regiment did not exist before 1881, by when Marion/Molly is 11). Does the novel harbor Lunita clues, or is this simply one of the many "enigmas and puzzles that will keep the professors busy for centuries"?

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Heyward Ehrlich, Vice President & Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Cynthia Cox, Assistant

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President: c afargnoli@molloy.edu
    Email: info@joycesociety.org
    Website: http://joycesociety.org
    Webmaster: info@heywardehrlich.com
    Yearly Membership: $25.00
    Visitors at meetings: $ 7.00

    Our website, joycesociety.org, contains past programs, a gallery of original art and photography pertaining to Joyce, a membership form, a slide show of Joyce photographs, Gotham Book Mart information, and links to other Joyce websites.

    Back to Top 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
    2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

    The James Joyce Society
    Invites you to hear

    Ulysses T-Shirt: Joyce Afterlives, and Reflections
    on Reading Joyce in the 21st Century
    Jonathan Goldman
    Associate Professor
    New York Institute of Technology

    Friday 11 November 2016 6:00 pm
    (The meeting will start promptly)

    Glucksman Ireland House New York University 1 Washington Mews
    (5th Avenue between Washington Square North and 8th Street)

    Group Discussion of an Excerpt from Finnegans Wake
    Book III.3 (FW494. 9-14) (see text below)
    Facilitated by Patrick Reilly
    Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
    Baruch College

    Link to map of Glucksman House
    1 Washington Mews

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, president
    Heyward Ehrlich, Vice President & Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Cynthia Cox Assistant
    Yearly Membership $25 00
    Visitors at meetings $ 7.00
    Please visit our website Joycesociety org

    Finnegans Wake III.3 (FW494. 9-14)
    1 Ophiuchus being visible above the thorizon, muliecula occluded by
    2 Satarn's serpent ring system, the pisciolinnies Nova Ardonis and Prisca
    3 Parthenopea, are a bonnies feature in the northern sky. Ers, Mores and
    4 Merkery are surgents below the rim of the Zenith Part while Arctura.
    5 Anatolia, Hesper and Mesembria weep in their mansions over Noth,
    6 Haste, Soot and Waste.

    The James Joyce Society
    Invites you to hear

    James Joyce through Quotations,
    Transformations, Layers, Sounds, Music

    Conceived by Michael Grossmann

    Composed by Reiko Fueting
    Performed by
    Nils Neubert anD Michael Axtell, readers
    Pala Garcia, violin

    Wednesday, June 8, 2016 at 6:00 pm
    Glucksman Ireland House
    New York University
    1 Washington Mews
    (5th Avenue between
    Washington Sq N and 8th St)
    The meeting will start promptly

    Link to map of Glucksman House
    1 Washington Mews

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Heyward Ehrlich, Vice President & Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Cynthia Cox, Assistant

    The James Joyce Society
    Invites you to hear

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli,
    Michael Patrick Gillespie,
    and Richard Nash in

    A Celebration of the Publication of
    Exiles: a Critical Edition

    Edited by A. Nicholas Fargnoli and
    Michael Patrick Gillespie
    University Press of Florida: 2016
    (With additional contributions by
    Zack Bowen, Jane Heap, Hugh Kenner,
    John MacNicholas, Vicki Mahaffey,
    Mary T. Reynolds, John Rodker,
    Israel Solon, Samuel A. Tannenbaum,
    William York Tindall, and B. J. Tysdahl.)

    Friday, May 20, 2016 at 6:00 pm
    Glucksman Ireland House
    New York University
    1 Washington Mews
    (5th Avenue between
    Washington Sq N and 8th St)
    The meeting will start promptly

    Link to map of Glucksman House
    1 Washington Mews

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Heyward Ehrlich, Vice President & Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Cynthia Cox, Assistant

    Back to Top 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
    2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

    The James Joyce Society
    Invites you to hear

    A Meeting Dedicated to
    the Memory of Simon Loekle

    Soul Survivor:
    Stephen Dedalus as the Priest
    of the Eternal Imagination
    Garry Leonard
    Professorof Literature and Film
    University of Toronto

    New York University
    1 Washington Mews
    (5th Avenue between
    Washington Sq N and 8th St)
    The meeting will start promptly

    Link to map of Glucksman House
    1 Washington Mews

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Heyward Ehrlich, Vice President & Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Cynthia Cox, Assistant

    The James Joyce Society
    Invites you to hear

    The Trials of Ulysses

    Attorney and literary scholar Joseph Hassett (W.B. Yeats & the Muses)
    argues that Attorney-Patron John Quinn did a poor job of defending the
    Little Review’s publication in 1920 of an excerpt from Joyce’s novel
    and that he might have been successful if he had used
    the approach suggested by the portrait painter John Butler Yeats,
    the poet’s father and famous intellectual of his time.

    Tuesday, 24 Nov 2015, 6:00 PM
    Co-sponsor W. B. Yeats Society
    FREE -- no reservations
    National Arts Club
    15 Gramercy Park
    (E. 20th betw. Park & Third)

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Heyward Ehrlich, Vice President & Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Simon Loekle, Tyler
    Cynthia Cox, Assistant

    The James Joyce Society
    Invites you to hear

    Joyce, the Market, Transnational commerce
    Robert Brazeau
    Univ of Alberta Fri, Sept 25, 5:00pm
    Glucksman Ireland House, NYU

    New York University
    1 Washington Mews
    (5th Avenue between
    Washington Sq N and 8th St)
    The meeting will start promptly

    Link to map of Glucksman House
    1 Washington Mews

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Heyward Ehrlich, Vice President & Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Simon Loekle, Tyler
    Cynthia Cox, Assistant

    The James Joyce Society
    Invites you to hear

    Finnegans Wakw as Created by Frank Budgen
    Jesse MeyersR, NYU Fri, Oct. 30, 6:00pm
    Glucksman Ireland House, NYU

    New York University
    1 Washington Mews
    (5th Avenue between
    Washington Sq N and 8th St)
    The meeting will start promptly

    Link to map of Glucksman House
    1 Washington Mews

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Heyward Ehrlich, Vice President & Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Simon Loekle, Tyler
    Cynthia Cox, Assistant

    Special event: Free of charge, no reservation required
    Cosponsored with W. B. Yeats Society
    The Trials of Ulysses
    Tues, Nov 24, 2015
    National Arts Club, 15 Gramercy Pk (E. 20th St.)

    The James Joyce Society
    Invites you to hear

    Cunning: Steganography in Joyce
    Jolanta Wawrzycka
    Professor of English
    Radford University, Virginia
    Friday, March 13, 2015, 5:00 pm
    Glucksman Ireland House, NYU

    New York University
    1 Washington Mews
    (5th Avenue between
    Washington Sq N and 8th St)
    The meeting will start promptly

    Link to map of Glucksman House
    1 Washington Mews

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Heyward Ehrlich, Vice President & Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Simon Loekle, Tyler
    Cynthia Cox, Assistant

    The James Joyce Society
    Invites you to hear

    R & M Gerber Books
    Joyce: the Books & the Business
    How to Make the Most
    of Your Collection
    Sunday, 1 February 2015 3:00pm

    and a passage from Joyce's "Nightpiece"
    read by Simon Lockle, Tyler

    New York University
    1 Washington Mews
    (5th Avenue between
    Washington Sq N and 8th St)
    The meeting will start promptly

    Link to map of Glucksman House
    1 Washington Mews

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Heyward Ehrlich, Vice President & Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Simon Loekle, Tyler
    Cynthia Cox, Assistant
    James Joyce, Night Piece

    Gaunt in gloom,
    The pale stars their torches,
    Enshrouded, wave.
    Ghostfires from heaven's far verges faint illume,
    Arches on soaring arches,
    Night's sindark nave.

    The lost hosts awaken
    To service till
    In moonless gloom each lapses muted, dim,
    Raised when she has and shaken
    Her thurible.

    And long and loud,
    To night's nave upsoaring,
    A starknell tolls
    As the bleak incense surges, cloud on cloud,
    Voidward from the adoring
    Waste of souls.

    Back to Top 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
    2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

    The James Joyce Society
    Invites you to hear

    The Book of Kells:
    Joyce's "fountainhead of Irish inspiration"

    by Cóilín Owens
    Professor Emeritus
    George Mason University

    and a passage from Joyce
    read by Simon Lockle

    Sunday, 23 Nov 2014 3:00pm

    New York University
    1 Washington Mews
    (5th Avenue between
    Washington Sq N and 8th St)
    The meeting will start promptly

    Link to map of Glucksman House
    1 Washington Mews

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Heyward Ehrlich, Vice President & Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Simon Loekle, Tyler
    Cynthia Cox, Assistant

    LI actor/director Ed Dennehy
    stars in Joseph Beck's James Joyce: For All Those Who Hide Away ...

    Oct. 31 - Nov. 16 (Fri & Sat at 7, Sun at 3)
    at the Conklin Barn, 2 High Street, Huntington, NY.

    Actor/director Ed Dennehy (brother of Brian now on Broadway with Carol Burnett)
    In a new one-man play as James Joyce.

    Author Joseph Beck: "Ed has played Mark Twain all around the country and has played
    Clarence Darrow, the defense attorney in the scopes trial. He even played an elderly
    Bette Davis after his wife shaved his legs for him. Ed's a force on the stagev
    and has been for 50 years. Classically trained in England, he's coming to
    this show with everything he has. We open Halloween night in a 200 year old
    converted sheep barn in historic Huntington, LI. People have done shows about
    James Joyce's work (Dubliners, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Ulysses,
    and Finnegans Wake) but nobody has recently done the writer-live, on stage."

    Tickets ($18.00): www.brownpapertickets.com/event/850607

    The James Joyce Society
    Invites you to hear

    Susan Brown
    Professor (ret.) State College of Florida and Eckerd College

    Spider Webs, Pythagoras, and Incest:
    Solving Joycean Riddles

    Friday, 12 Septemer 2014, 6:00 pm

    New York University, 1 Washington Mews
    (5th Avenue bet Washington Sq N and 8th St)
    The meeting will start promptly at 6:00 PM.

    Live Link to Glucksman House 1 Washington Mews
    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Heyward Ehrlich, Vice President & Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Simon Loekle, Tyler
    Cynthia Cox, Assistant

    The James Joyce Society
    Invites you to hear

    with Live Performance, Music, Song, and Art Exhibition

    THURSDAY, 12 JUNE 2014
    Performance Starts at 7:30 PM

    Directions by car (parking is free):
    See http://www.molloy.edu/about-molloy-college/rockville-centre-campus/directions

    Directions by train:
    For those coming by train from Penn Station, take the Babylon Branch of the Long Island Railroad to Rockville Centre. Trains leave Penn Station every half hour; please visit the LIRR website for the latest train schedule. Taxi service to Molloy College is available at the Rockville Centre LIRR Station. The ride up Hempstead Avenue is about five minutes.

    Current James Joyce Society Members Are Admitted Free

    Simon Loekle, Tyler
    Cynthia Cox, Assistant A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Heyward Ehrlich, Vice President & Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Simon Loekle, Tyler
    Cynthia Cox, Assistant

    The James Joyce Society

    Invites you to hear
    The Twintessential Role of John McCormack
    in Finnegans Wake
    Patrick Reilly
    Adj. Asst. Professor of English
    Baruch College, NYC
    14 March 2014 Glucksman Ireland House
    New York University, 1 Washington Mews
    (5th Avenue bet Washington Sq N and 8th St)
    The meeting will start promptly at 6:00 PM.
    Live Link to Glucksman House 1 Washington Mews
    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Heyward Ehrlich, Vice President & Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Simon Loekle, Tyler
    Cynthia Cox, Assistant

    The James Joyce Society

    Invites you to hear

    Postal Joyce
    William Brockman

    Librarian for Literature
    at Pennsylvania State University and
    Editor,James Joyce Checklist and Joyce Calendar

    Live Link to Glucksman House 1 Washington Mews
    The Biografiend: When Lewis Met Joyce
    An Excerpt from Blasting and Bombardiering, by Wyndham Lewis
    read by Simon Loekle,Tyler,The James Joyce Society

    On Wednesday, 22 January 2014 At 6:00 promptly
    at Glucksman Ireland House
    New York University,
    1 Washington Mews
    (5th Ave bet.Washington Sq N and 8th St)

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Heyward Ehrlich, Vice President & Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Simon Loekle, Tyler
    Cynthia Cox, Assistant

    Yearly Membership: $25.00
    Visitors at meetings: $ 7.00
    Please visit our website: Joycesociety.org

    Browse The James Joyce Society online:
    The JJS website, at joycesociety.org,
    contains past programs, original art and photography
     a membership form, a slide show of Joyce photographs,
    and links to other Joyce websites.

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President: afargnoli@molloy.edu
    Email: info@joycesociety.org
    Website: http://joycesociety.org
    Webmaster: info@heywardehrlich.com

    Back to Top 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
    2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

    The James Joyce Society
    Invites you to hear
    Aida Yared
    Independent Joyce Scholar and
    Professor of Pediatrics, Vanderbilt University

    The Arabian Nights in Finnegans Wake:
    How Joyce Read Sir Richard Burton's Work

    1 November 2013 at 6:00pm sharp
    Glucksman Ireland House, NYU
    1 Washington Mews
    (5th Ave. bet. Washington Square N. and 8th St.)

    Live Link to Glucksman House 1 Washington Mews
    Saint Kevin from a Genetic Perspective
    Group Discussion facilitated by Judd Staley
    Doctoral Student, CUNY Graduate Center
    Click for text as PDF

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Heyward Ehrlich, Vice President & Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Simon Loekle, Tyler
    Cynthia Cox, Assistant

    The James Joyce Society
    Bloomsday Celebration
    Madison Theatre, Molloy College
    Rockville Centre, Long Island, New York
    Sunday, 16 June 2013, 2:00 - 4:00 PM

    Click here for large flyer with full details!

    Song, Dance, Live Performance, and Art Exhibition
    This Year’s Program is Dedicated to All Fathers: Past, Present, and Future Current James Joyce Society Members Are Admitted Free

    Click here for directions by car (parking is free)

    Directions by train:
    For those coming by train from Penn Station, take the Babylon Branch of the Long Island Railroad to Rockville Centre. Trains leave Penn Station every half hour; please visit the LIRR website for the latest train schedule. Taxi service to Molloy College is available at the Rockville Centre LIRR Station. The ride up Hempstead Avenue is about five minutes.

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President: afargnoli@molloy.edu
    Email: info@joycesociety.org
    Website: http://joycesociety.org
    Webmaster: info@heywardehrlich.com

    Yearly Membership: $25.00
    Visitors at meetings: $7.00

    Back to Top 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
    2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

    The James Joyce Society
    Celebrates Bloomsday 2012 at Molloy College
    Dedicated to the Memory of Edmund Lloyd Epstein

    Song, Dance, and Live Performances
    Take your photo with James Joyce for $2
    Free admission for paid-up members.

    Rockville Centre, Long Island, New York
    Saturday, 16 June 2012
    2:00 - 4:00 PM

    For Travel to Molloy College:
    By car, see directions
    By train: LIRR Babylon Branch from Penn Station to Rockville Centre
    A free Molloy College shuttle bus will meet the 12:39pm train arriving at 1:20 pm
    Taxi service is available at other times from the Rockville Centre station.

    Funded in part by
    New York Council for the Humanities

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President: afargnoli@molloy.edu
    Email: info@joycesociety.org
    Website: http://joycesociety.org
    Webmaster: info@heywardehrlich.com

    Yearly Membership: $25.00
    Visitors at meetings: $7.00

    The James Joyce Society
    invites you to hear

    Strother Purdy
    Independent Scholar and
    Retired Professor of English Literature
    Marguette Uniiversity

    What Kind of a Book is Finnegans Wake?
    Is it a Menippean Satire?

    An Excerpt from Pomes Pennyeach
    read by Simon Loekle
    Tyler, the James Joyce Society

    Monday, 12 March 2012 at 6:00pm
    at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, May 11, 2001
    at Glucksman Ireland House. NYU
    New York University, 1 Washington Mews
    (5th Ave between.Washington Square North and 8th St)

    Google Maps Live Link to 1 Washington Mews

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President: afargnoli@molloy.edu
    Email: info@joycesociety.org
    Website: http://joycesociety.org
    Webmaster: info@heywardehrlich.com

    Yearly Membership: $25.00
    Visitors at meetings: $7.00

    The James Joyce Society
    invites you to its 3 February 2012 Program
    at Glucksman Ireland House,
    New York University,
    1 Washington Mews
    (5th Avenue between
    Washington Square North and 8th Street).

    Agoraphobia in James Joyce's "Eveline"
    Jim LeBlanc
    Director of Library Technical Services
    Cornell University


    A Group Discussion:
    Excerpt from the Nausikaa Episode

    (The following passages will be discussed:
    U 13.1-10, 78-98, 148-199, 218-244,
    404-441, 535-750.

    If you do not have a copy of Ulysses with you
    at the meeting, a handout will be available.)
    facilitated by

    Alison Armstrong
    School of Visual Arts

    Contributing Editor to the Irish Literary Supplement
    Friday 3 February 2012 6:00 pm

    Glucksman Ireland House
    New York University
    1 Washington Mews
    (5th Avenue between Washington Square North and 8th Street)
    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Heyward Ehrlich,Vice President & Webmaster
    Stephen J. Pantani, Treasurer
    Simon Loekle, Tyler
    Yearly Membership: $25.00
    Visitors at meetings: $ 7.00
    Please visit our website: joycesociety.org

    Back to Top 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
    2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

    The James Joyce Society
    invites you to hear

    Judith Harrington
    Independent Scholar

    A Joycean Periodic Table of Elements

    and a group discussion of an excerpt from
    Wandering Rocks (see below, breaks added)
    facilitated by
    Michael Murphy, Professor Emeritus
    Brooklyn College, CUNY

    at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, October 18, 2011
    at the Roger Smith Hotel
    Lexington Ave. at 47th St, NYC

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President: afargnoli@molloy.edu
    Email: info@joycesociety.org
    Website: http://joycesociety.org
    Webmaster: info@heywardehrlich.com

    Yearly Membership: $25.00
    Visitors at meetings: $7.00

    William Humble, earl of Dudley, and lady Dudley, accompanied by lieutenantcolonel Heseltine, drove out after luncheon from the viceregal lodge. In the following carriage were the honourable Mrs Paget, Miss de Courcy and the honourable Gerald Ward A. D. C. in attendance.

    The cavalcade passed out by the lower gate of Phoenix park saluted by obsequious policemen and proceeded past Kingsbridge along the northern quays. The viceroy was most cordially greeted on his way through the metropolis. At Bloody bridge Mr Thomas Kernan beyond the river greeted him vainly from afar. . . .
    [L]ord Dudley's viceregal carriages passed and were unsaluted by Mr Dudley White, B. L., M. A. . . .
    Richie Goulding . . .
    saw him with surprise. . . .
    [A]t the doorstep of the office of Reuben J Dodd, solicitor, . . . ,
    an elderly female . . . smiled credulously on the representative of His Majesty. From its sluice in Wood quay wall under Tom Devan's office Poddle river hung out in fealty a tongue of liquid sewage. Above the crossblind of the Ormond hotel, gold by bronze, Miss Kennedy's head by Miss Douce's head watched and admired. On Ormond quay Mr Simon Dedalus . . .
    stood still in midstreet and brought his hat low. His Excellency graciously returned Mr Dedalus' greeting. From Cahill's corner the reverend Hugh C. Love, M. A., made obeisance unperceived, mindful of lords deputies whose hands benignant had held of yore rich advowsons. On Grattan bridge Lenehan and M'Coy, taking leave of each other, watched the carriages go by. . . .
    Gerty MacDowell . . .
    knew by the style it was the lord and lady lieutenant but she couldn't see what Her Excellency had on. . . .
    John Wyse Nolan smiled with unseen coldness towards the lord lieutenantgeneral and general governor of Ireland. . . .
    Over against Dame gate Tom Rochford and Nosey Flynn watched the approach of the cavalcade. Tom Rochford, seeing the eyes of lady Dudley fixed on him, took his thumbs quickly out of the pockets of his claret waistcoat and doffed his cap to her. A charming soubrette, great Marie Kendall, with dauby cheeks and lifted skirt smiled daubily from her poster upon William Humble, earl of Dudley, and upon lieutenantcolonel H. G. Heseltine, and also upon the honourable Gerald Ward A. D. C. From the window of the D. B. C. Buck Mulligan gaily, and Haines gravely, gazed down on the viceregal equipage over the shoulders of eager guests, whose mass of forms darkened the chessboard whereon John Howard Parnell looked intently. . . .
    Dilly Dedalus, training her sight upward from Chardenal's first French primer, saw sunshades spanned and wheelspokes spinning in the glare. John Henry Menton . . .
    stared from winebig oyster eyes. . . .
    Where the foreleg of King Billy's horse pawed the air Mrs Breen plucked her hastening husband back from under the hoofs of the outriders. She shouted in his ear the tidings. Understanding, he shifted his tomes to his left breast and saluted the second carriage. The honourable Gerald Ward A. D. C., agreeably surprised, made haste to reply. . . .
    Opposite Pigott's music warerooms Mr Denis J Maginni, professor of dancing &c, gaily apparelled, gravely walked, outpassed by a viceroy and unobserved. By the provost's wall came jauntily Blazes Boylan, stepping in tan shoes and socks with skyblue clocks to the refrain of My girl's a Yorkshire girl. Blazes Boylan presented to the leaders' skyblue frontlets and high action a skyblue tie, a widebrimmed straw hat at a rakish angle and a suit of indigo serge. His hands in his jacket pockets forgot to salute but he offered to the three ladies the bold admiration of his eyes and the red flower between his lips. . . .
    Striding past Finn's hotel Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell stared through a fierce eyeglass across the carriages at the head of Mr M. E. Solomons in the window of the Austro-Hungarian viceconsulate. . . .
    [B]y Trinity's postern a loyal king's man, Hornblower, touched his tallyho cap. As the glossy horses pranced by Merrion square Master Patrick Aloysius Dignam, waiting, saw salutes being given to the gent with the topper and raised also his new black cap with fingers greased by porksteak paper. His collar too sprang up. . . .
    In Lower Mount street a pedestrian in a brown macintosh, eating dry bread, passed swiftly and unscathed across the viceroy's path. . . .
    At Haddington road corner two sanded women halted themselves, an umbrella and a bag in which eleven cockles rolled to view with wonder the lord mayor and lady mayoress without his golden chain. On Northumberland and Lansdowne roads His Excellency acknowledged punctually salutes from rare male walkers, the salute of two small schoolboys . . .
    and the salute of Almidano Artifoni's sturdy trousers swallowed by a closing door. (U 10:1176-1282)


    The James Joyce Society
    invites you to hear

    Michael Groden
    Distinguished University Professor
    Department of English
    University of Western Ontario

    "Ulysses -- and Us?"

    celebrating the publication of his
    Ulysses in Focus: Genetic, Textual and Personal Views"

    and Simon Lockle
    reading from Ulysses

    at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, May 11, 2001
    at Glucksman Ireland House. NYU
    New York University, 1 Washington Mews
    (5th Ave between.Washington Square North and 8th St)

    Google Maps Live Link to 1 Washington Mews

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President: afargnoli@molloy.edu
    Email: info@joycesociety.org
    Website: http://joycesociety.org
    Webmaster: info@heywardehrlich.com

    Yearly Membership: $25.00
    Visitors at meetings: $7.00

    The James Joyce Society
    invites you to hear

    Michael Murphy
    Professor Emeritus, Brooklyn College, CUNY
    "Colonialism & Collaboration in Joyce:
    the Writer and the Critics"
    Judd Staley leading "Stephen Hero"
    group discussion -- passage below

    6:30 pm, Friday, March 25, 2011
    Roger Smith Hotel
    501 Lexington Ave. at 47th Street, NYC

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President: afargnoli@molloy.edu
    Email: info@joycesociety.org
    Website: http://joycesociety.org
    Webmaster: info@heywardehrlich.com

    Yearly Membership: $25.00
    Visitors at meetings: $7.00

    Stephen watching this young priest and Emma together usually worked
    himself into a state of unsettled rage. It was not so much that he
    suffered personally as that the spectacle seemed to him typical of
    Irish ineffectualness. Often he felt his fingers itch. Father Moran's
    eyes were so clear and tender-looking, Emma stood to his gaze in such
    a poise of bold careless pride of the flesh that Stephen longed to
    precipitate the two into each other's arms and shock the room even
    though he knew the pain this impersonal generosity would cause
    himself. Emma allowed him to see her home several times but she did
    not seem to have reserved herself for him. The youth was piqued at
    this for above all things he hated to be compared with others and, had
    it not been that her body seemed so compact of pleasure, he would have
    preferred to have been ignominiously left behind Her loud forced
    manners shocked him at first until his mind had thoroughly mastered
    the stupidity of hers. She criticised the Miss Daniels very sharply,
    assuming, much to Stephen's discomfort, an identical temper in him.
    She coquetted with knowledge, asking Stephen could he not persuade the
    President of his College to admit women to the college. Stephen told
    her to apply to McCann who was the champion of women. She laughed at
    this and said with genuine dismay "Well, honestly, isn't he a
    dreadful-looking artist?" She treated femininely everything that young
    men are supposed to regard as serious but she made polite exception
    for Stephen himself and for the Gaelic Revival. She asked him wasn't
    he reading a paper and what was it on. She would give anything to go
    and hear him: she was awfully fond of the theatre herself and a gypsy
    woman had once read her hand and told her she would be an actress. She
    had been three times to the pantomime and asked Stephen what he liked
    best in pantomime. Stephen said he liked a good clown but she said
    that she preferred ballets. Then she wanted to know did he go out much
    to dances and pressed him to join an Irish dancing-class of which she
    was a member. Her eyes had begun to imitate the expression of Father
    Moran's -- an expression of tender significance when the conversation
    was at the lowest level of banality. Often as he walked beside her
    Stephen wondered how she had employed her time since he had last seen
    her and he congratulated himself that he had caught an impression of
    her when she was at her finest moment. In his heart he deplored the
    change in her for he would have liked nothing so well as an adventure
    with her now but he felt that even that warm ample body could hardly
    compensate him for her distressing pertness and middle-class
    affectations. In the centre of her attitude towards him he thought he
    discerned a point of defiant illwill and he thought he understood the
    cause of it. He had swept the moment into his memory, the figure and
    the landscape into his treasure-room, and conjuring with all three had
    brought forth some pages of sorry verse. One rainy night when the
    streets were too bad for walking she took the Rathmines tram at the
    Pillar and as she held down her hand to him from the step, thanking
    him for his kindness and wishing him good-night, that episode of their
    childhood seemed to magnetise the minds of both at the same instant.
    The change of circumstances had reversed their positions, giving her
    the upper hand. He took her hand caressingly, caressing one after
    another the three lines on the a back of her kid glove and numbering
    her knuckles, caressing also his own past towards which this
    inconsistent hater of [antiquity] inheritances was always lenient.
    They smiled at each other; and again in the centre of her amiableness
    he discerned a [centre] point of illwill and he suspected that by her
    code of honour she was obliged to insist on the forbearance of the
    male and to despise him for forbearing. (pp. 60-68)

    Glucksman Ireland House NYU
    and The James Joyce Society
    invite you to attend

    A Roundtable on Joyce and Cinema with
    John McCourt (Università Roma Tre)
    Jesse Meyers (New York)
    Maria di Battista (Princeton University)
    Philip Sicker (Fordham University).

    To mark the publication of
    Roll Away the Reel World, James Joyce and Cinema
    (ed. John McCourt, Cork University Press 2010)

    Thursday, February 17th 2011, 7pm,
    Glucksman Ireland House NYU,
    One Washington Mews at Fifth Avenue
    (south of 8th street)
    New York, NY 10003

    Maria di Battista, John McCourt, Jesse Meyers, and Philip Sicker will discuss
    James Joyce as a pioneer of Irish cinema and show how his novels were influenced
    by the screen innovations of the early twentieth century.They will also explore
    the impact of his revolutionary output on future filmmakers from Huston to Scorsese.

    Free to members of the James Joyce Society
    RSVP: 212-998-3950, option 3
    or e-mail ireland.house@nyu.edu
    Website: http://irelandhouse.as.nyu.edu

    The James Joyce Society
    invites you to hear

    Robert J, Seidman,
    screenwriter and novelist:
    "Notes of Joyce Addict:
    Why Ulysses Is Worth the investment"
    Murray Gross, President of the
    Finnegans Wake Society of New York
    leading a group disussion of
    FW 353.22-32 (see text below)

    Friday, Feb. 4 at 6:00 pm

    at Glucksman Ireland House,
    1 Washington Mews, NYU
    Fifth Avenue just north
    of washington Square
    New York City

    Google Maps Live Link to 1 Washington Mews
    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President: afargnoli@molloy.edu
    Email: info@joycesociety.org
    Website: http://joycesociety.org
    Webmaster: info@heywardehrlich.com

    Yearly Membership: $25.00
    Visitors at meetings: $7.00

    FW 353.22-32:
    The abnihilisation of the etym by the grisning of the grosning
    of the grinder of the grunder of the first lord of hurtreford ex-
    polodotonates through Parsuralia with an ivanmorinthorrorumble
    fragoromboassity amidwhiches general uttermosts confussion are
    perceivable moletons skaping with mulicules which coventry
    plumpkins fairlygosmotherthemselves in the Landaunelegants
    of Pinkadindy. Similar scenatas are projectilised from Hullulullu,
    Bawlawayo, empyreal Raum and mordern Atems. They were
    precisely the twelves of clocks, noon minutes, none seconds.
    At someseat of Oldanelang's Konguerrig, by dawnybreak in

    Back to Top 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
    2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

    The James Joyce Society
    invites you to hear
    1) A Meeting Dedicated to the Memory of Zach Bowen
    Sid Feshbach, Professor Emeritus,City College, CUNY
    Immediate Past President,James Joyce Society;
    Research Professor, Univ. of Massachusets, Amherst
    will speak on "The Creative Process in Joyce's Symbolism"
    Monday, 4 October 2010 at 6:30 PM

    -- 2) Steven Bond, Professor of Philosophy,
    Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick
    will speak on "Joyce's 'Ulysses': Putting De' Cart before De' Horse"
    Monday. October 18 at 6:30 pm

    Each meeting at Glucksman Ireland House,
    1 Washington Mews, NYU
    Fifth Avenue just north
    of washington Square
    New York City

    Google Maps Live Link to 1 Washington Mews

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President: afargnoli@molloy.edu
    Email: info@joycesociety.org
    Website: http://joycesociety.org
    Webmaster: info@heywardehrlich.com

    Yearly Membership: $25.00
    Visitors at meetings: $7.00

    Reading Dubliners with Jesse Meyers
    at NYU - 11 West 42nd Street

    Five Tuesdays, Sept. 28-October 26, 2010
    1:00-2:40pm., $260 (seniors $130)

    For information call 212 998-7200
    To register, call NYU 212 998-7150
    Class number X02.9038


    The James Joyce Society
    invites you to hear
    "The Exile of James Joyce"
    by Michael Patrick Gillespie
    Professor of English
    Florida International University
    at The Roger Smith Hotel
    501 Lexington Ave. at 47th Street
    New York City
    Thursday, 22 April 2010
    at 6:00 PM
    at the Roger Smith Hotel
    Lexington Ave at 47th St
    New York City

    "The Exile of James Joyce" suggests that both nostalgia and rancor
    operate throughout Joyce's canon, and it focuses attention on Dubliners
    to show that previous readings while effectively showing the anger Joyce
    felt at the Dublin he left behind have not given sufficient attention to
    his attachment to Ireland.

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President: afargnoli@molloy.edu
    Email: info@joycesociety.org
    Website: http://joycesociety.org
    Webmaster: info@heywardehrlich.com

    Yearly Membership: $25.00
    Visitors at meetings: $7.00


    The James Joyce Society
    invites you to hear
    Professor Strother Purdy
    Professor of English Literature (retired)
    Marquette University
    "The Measureless Time of
    Finnegans Wake -
    A Borgian Analysis"
    The Roger Smith Hotel
    501 Lexington Ave. at 47th Street
    New York City
    Wednesday, 24 March 2010
    at 6:00 PM
    Simon Lockle, Tyler
    will read
    an Excerpt from Finnegans Wake

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President: afargnoli@molloy.edu
    Email: info@joycesociety.org
    Website: http://joycesociety.org
    Webmaster: info@heywardehrlich.com

    Yearly Membership: $25.00
    Visitors at meetings: $7.00


    The James Joyce Society
    invites you to hear
    Cannibalism and Creativity:
    or James Joyce Learns to Spit"
    by Tom Rice
    Professor of English
    University of South Carolina, Columbia
    Friday January 29, 2010 at 6:00 pm
    at Glucksman Ireland House. NYU
    New York University, 1 Washington Mews
    (5th Avenue between Washington Square North and 8th Street)

    Google Maps Live Link to 1 Washington Mews

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President: afargnoli@molloy.edu
    Email: info@joycesociety.org
    Website: http://joycesociety.org
    Webmaster: info@heywardehrlich.com

    Yearly Membership: $25.00
    Visitors at meetings: $7.00


    The James Joyce Society
    invites you to celebrate the publication of
    Edmund Lloyd Epstein's
    A Guide Through Finnegans Wake.

    Hear "Clearing the Brush:
    Working Your Way
    Through Finnegans Wake"
    by Professor Edmund Lloyd Epstein
    of Queens College and CUNY Graduate Center

    Friday Oct. 23 at 6:00 pm
    at Glucksman Ireland House. NYU
    New York University, 1 Washington Mews
    (5th Avenue between Washington Square North and 8th Street)

    Google Maps Live Link to 1 Washington Mews

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President: afargnoli@molloy.edu
    Email: info@joycesociety.org
    Website: http://joycesociety.org
    Webmaster: info@heywardehrlich.com

    Yearly Membership: $20.00
    Visitors at meetings: $5.00

    Back to Top 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
    2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001


    The James Joyce Society
    invites you to hear

    Ulysses on Canvas:
    An Artist's Perepective
    Michael Grossman
    Artist, Munich, Germany
    A Selection from Joyce
    Read by Simon Loekle
    Tyler, James Joyce Society

    Tuesday, June 2, 2009 at 6:00 pm

    at Glucksman Ireland House
    New York University, 1 Washington Mews
    (5th Avenue between Washington Square North and 8th Street)

    Google Maps Live Link to 1 Washington Mews

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President: afargnoli@molloy.edu
    Email: info@joycesociety.org
    Website: http://joycesociety.org
    Webmaster: info@heywardehrlich.com

    Yearly Membership: $20.00
    Visitors at meetings: $5.00


    The James Joyce Society
    invites you to hear

    Jay A. Gertzman
    Professor Emeritus
    Mansfield University

    James Joyce's International Protest
    against Samuel Roth
    and Roth's Subseuent Career
    as Pariah Capitalist and
    First Amendment Hero

    A Prose Selection from Joyce
    Simon Loekle, Tyler, James Joyce Society

    On Wednesday. 6 May 2009
    6:00 pm at Glucksman Ireland House

    New York University, 1 Washington Mews
    (5th Avenue between Washington Square North and 8th Street)

    Google Maps Live Link to 1 Washington Mews

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President: afargnoli@molloy.edu
    Email: info@joycesociety.org
    Website: http://joycesociety.org
    Webmaster: info@heywardehrlich.com

    Yearly Membership: $20.00
    Visitors at meetings: $5.00


    The James Joyce Society
    invites you to join the
    Celebration of the 75th Anniversary of
    The American Publication of Ulysses

    Paul Saint-Amour

    Associate Professor of English
    University of Pennsylvania on
    Obscenity, Copyright, and the 1922 Ulysses


    Sebastian D. G. Knowles Professor of English
    The Ohio State University
    and General Editor, James Joyce Series
    University Press of Florida on
    Why I Love the ‘34”


    Simon Lockle, Tyler
    will read
    Joyce‘s Letter to Bennett Cerf

    Monday, February 2, 2009
    (Joyce’s birthday)
    6:30 pm at the Roger Smith Hotel
    501 Lexington Avenue at 47th Street
    New York City

    Google Maps Live Link to 501 Lexington Ave.

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President: afargnoli@molloy.edu
    Email: info@joycesociety.org
    Website: http://joycesociety.org
    Webmaster: info@heywardehrlich.com

    Yearly Membership: $20.00
    Visitors at meetings: $5.00


    Back to Top 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
    2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

    The James Joyce Society
    invites you to hear

    Shelly Brivic
    Professor of English
    Temple Univ, Philadelphia:
    Stephen Dedalus Gets Changed:
    Maternal Cleansing in Joyce's Novels

    Open Discussion: Stephen in Paris
    Facilitated by Heyward Ehrlich
    (handouts provided)

    Thursday, 2 October 2008, 6:00pm sharp
    Roger Smith Hotel
    501 Lexington Avenue at 47th street, NYC

    Google Maps Live Link to 501 Lexington Ave.

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President: afargnoli@molloy.edu
    Email: info@joycesociety.org
    Website: http://joycesociety.org
    Webmaster: info@heywardehrlich.com

    Yearly Membership: $20.00
    Visitors at meetings: $5.00


    The James Joyce Society
    invites you to hear

    Faith Steinberg
    Independent Scholar
    "Joyce Illustrates Finnegans Wake (verbally)
    and HCE Goes Tomb Hopping"

    (Please bring your copy of Finnegans Wake.)


    A Post-Bloomsday Celebration
    A Reading from Hades: Ulysses6.385-431
    by Simon Loekle, Tyler, James Joyce Society

    (Copies of this passage will be available at our meeting.)
    Open Discussion Facilitated by Nicholas Fargnoli
    to Follow the Reading

    Wednesday, 16 July 2008, 6:00pm sharp
    at Glucksman Ireland House, New York University, 1 Washington Mews
    (5th Avenue between Washington Square North and 8th Street)

    Google Maps Live Link to 1 Washington Mews

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President: afargnoli@molloy.edu
    Email: info@joycesociety.org
    Website: http://joycesociety.org
    Webmaster: info@heywardehrlich.com

    Yearly Membership: $20.00
    Visitors at meetings: $5.00


    The James Joyce Society
    invites you to hear

    Jesse Meyers
    Independent Scholar
    James Joyce's Rhymes
    Joyce's Poetical Works
    6:00 pm, Wed., Febuary 6, 2008
    Glucksman Ireland House
    1 Washington Mews
    New York University
    Off 5th Avenue
    bet. Wash. Sq. N. & 8th St
    5th Avenue between
    Washington Square North and 8th Street

    Google Maps Live Link to 1 Washington Mews

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Heyward Ehrlich Vice President & Webmaster
    Yearly Membership: $20.00
    Visitors at meetings: $5.00
    Simon Loekle, Tyler
    Please visit our website: joycesociety.org

    Back to Top 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
    2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

    The James Joyce Society invites you to join

    The James Joyce Reading Group

    Please note a new meeting place and schedules beginning December 14, 2006.

    A special announcment from Susan Bonhomme for the James Joyce Reading Group:

    Please reply to susanbonhomme@gmail.com.

    Beginning on Thursday, December 14th.2006
    the James Joyce Discussion Group will meet at
    the Mercantile Library, 17 West 47th Street
    on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm

    Attending the meetings of the group effective December 2006
    requires Membership in the Mercantile Library.
    Here are the rates for members of the James Joyce Society:

    Individual- $125
    Student/ Senior- $110
    Regular Household- $180
    Senior Household- $165
    Proust Society level members - $30

    The revised meeting schedule
    for June 2007 through March 2008:

    2007: Ulysses, Part II. cont.
    June 14 - Episode 9. Scylla & Charybdis
    July 12 - Episode 10. The Wandering Rocks
    August 9 - Episode 11. Sirens
    September 13 - Episode 12. Cyclops
    October 11 - Episode 13. Nausicaa
    November 8 - Episode 14. Oxen of the Sun
    December 13- Episode 15. Circe

    2008: Ulysses, Part III. The Homecoming
    January 10 - Episode 16. Eumaeus
    February 14 - Episode 17. Ithaca
    March 13- Episode 18. Penelope

    Starting in January 2006, we proceeded slowly through Dubliners, A Portrait of Artist as a Young Man, and Ulysses, 27 months in all. Those who wish to continue on to Finnegans Wake may join the on-going Wake group. The leadership of each meeting will be rotated among volunteers.

    We will ask that participants join the James Joyce Society at $20 per year and, starting in December 2006, join the Mercantile Library as well -- please see rates above.

    We're looking forward to having great fun, in the words of Nicholas Fargnoli, President of the James Joyce Society, "reading through Joyce's verbal chaosmos."

    John McCourt's 2007 Trieste Joyce School

    Dear friends and colleagues,

    I write to let you know that the 11th Annual Trieste Joyce School will take place from 1-7 July 2007 at the University of Trieste.

    This promises to be one of the biggest and most exciting Joyce Schools to date. Morning lectures will be followed by afternoon seminars (on genetic Joyce, Joyce and contemporary Irish poetry, Ulysses, Finnegans Wake) and by a busy social and cultural programme in the evenings.

    A variety of full and partial scholarships are available.

    For further information contact John McCourt at mccourt@units.it or visit our newly updated site: http//www.univ.trieste.it/nirdange/school/index.html

    Guest speakers include:
    Marissa Aixas (University of Barcelona)
    John Bishop (University of Berkeley)
    Claudia Cortin (Università di Firenze)
    Renzo S. Crivelli (Università di Trieste)
    Sabrina D'Alessandro (Università degli Studi di Napoli)
    Jed Deppmann (Oberlin College)
    Anthony Downey (London)
    Ron Ewart (Zurich James Joyce Foundation)
    Adrian Hardiman (Dublin)
    Terence Killeen (Dublin)
    John McCourt (Università di Roma, Tre)
    Brenda Maddox (London)
    Tim Martin (Rutgers University)
    Patrick O'Neill (Queen's University, Canada)
    Laura Pelaschiar (Università di Trieste)
    Jean-Michel Rabaté (University of Pennsylvania)
    Fritz Senn (Zurich James Joyce Foundation)
    David Spurr (University of Geneva)

    I would be most grateful if you could circulate this information to those you think might be interested. With best wishes and thanks,

    John McCourt


    The James Joyce Society
    invites you to hear

    Heyward Ehrlich
    Rutgers University, Newark, NJ

    Ulysses and Early Irish Film
    Cinema in Dublin before Joyce's Volta

    6:00 pm, Wed., Oct. 10, 2007
    Glucksman Ireland House
    1 Washington Mews
    New York University
    5th Avenue between
    Washington Square North and 8th Street

    Google Maps Live Link to 1 Washington Mews

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Heyward Ehrlich Vice President & Webmaster
    Yearly Membership: $20.00
    Visitors at meetings: $5.00
    Simon Loekle, Tyler
    Please visit our website: joycesociety.org

    In The Room With Molly Bloom

    (xxxcerpts from James Joyce's Ulysses)
    Equity Showcase
    with kate mueth

    June 25th and 26th, 2007
    8:00 pm
    manhattan theatre source
    177 macdougal street

    Tickets $15
    Reservations: 212-501-4751
    For Industry Tix Please Call

    Save The Date!

    The James Joyce Society presents


    Professor of English, Ohio State University
    General Editor, University Press of Florida,James Joyce Series

    Friday, April 27, 2007, 6:00pm

    Please Note Location
    Glucksman Ireland House
    New York University
    1 Washington Mews - Fifth Avenue
    (between Washington Square N. and 8th St.)
    New York, NY 10003

    Google Maps Live Link to 1 Washington Mews

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Heyward Ehrlich Vice President & Webmaster
    Yearly Membership: $20.00
    Visitors at meetings: $5.00
    Simon Loekle, Tyler
    Please visit our website: joycesociety.org

    The James Joyce Society
    The W. B. Yeats Society of New York
    Jointly Present

    Yeats, Joyce, and Modernism
    Richard Atnally
    Retired Professor
    Yale University and The New School

    Friday, 30 March 2007,6:00pm
    National Arts Club
    15 Gramercy Park South New York, NY 10003
    (E 20th St between Park Ave South and 3rd Ave)

    This event is free for members of the James Joyce Society
    and will be followed by a dinner with the speaker in the
    National Arts Club's elegant dining room.

    The cost of the dinner is $45 per person.
    Please send your check payable to the W. B. Yeats Society of NY,
    c/o the National Arts Club, 15 Gramercy Park South, New York, NY 10003,
    by March 26th.

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Heyward Ehrlich Vice President & Webmaster
    Yearly Membership: $20.00
    Visitors at meetings: $5.00
    Simon Loekle, Tyler
    Please visit our website: joycesociety.org


    L O V E R     T O     L O V E R
    A dramatization of the song cycle, CHAMBER MUSIC based on the poems of
    J A M E S     J O Y C E
    March 17-25 at

    Directed by

    Record Reviews of Chamber Music as a song cycle
    "Heller's setting is brilliant. " Fanfare Magazine Jan/Feb 2000
    "Your setting of Chamber Music is nothing less than extraordinary in its vast diversity and consistent excellence." Pulitzer Prize winner, Donald Martino - January 17, 2001
    "Irish traditional, music-hall balladry and opera, all blended together seamlessly by Heller's melodic gift." Alan Ruch, The Brazenhead
    "Excellent" A Nicholas Fargnoli, President of the James Joyce Society.

    SATURDAY - MARCH 17 8:00PM
    SUNDAY - MARCH 18, 5:00PM
    SATURDAY - MARCH 24 - 8:00PM
    SUNDAY - March 25 - 6:30PM


    Free parking lot across the street

    PLEASE CALL (347) 275-8527 OR SEND CHECKS TO:
    PJM Productions
    c/o Patrick Mahoney
    3572 DeKalb Ave #2F
    Bronx, NY 10467

    Telephone: (347) 275-8527
    Email: Lover2Loverplay@aol.com
    *courtesy of Actors Equity Association

    invites you to the
    Roger Smith Hotel
    501 Lexington Avenue at 47th Street
    New York, NY 10017
    (The room location will be posted in the lobby.)

    Joycean Vulgarities
    Timothy Martin
    Associate Professor and Chair of English
    Rutgers University, Camden, NJ

    6:00pm, February 6, 2007

    A Passage from Ulysses
    Read by
    Simon Loekle
    Tylor, James Joyce Society

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President: afargnoli@molloy.edu
    Email: info@joycesociety.org
    Website: http://joycesociety.org
    Webmaster: info@heywardehrlich.com

    The Joyce Reading Group invites all James Joyce Society Members to attend the next meeting for a discussion of Ulysses, Chapter Two

    Monday, November 20th at 6:30 pm (not Tuesday!)

    at the Thalia Studio (enter on 95th Street) at Symphony Space, 2537 Broadway, at 95th Street

    Getting to Symphony Space: located on the southwest corner of 95th St and Broadway -- The Thalia Studio is around the corner on 95th St

    By Subway:
    The 1,2,or 3 subway to the 96th St Station and walk one block on Broadway.
    The B and C subway trains, to 96th Street and Central Park West.

    By Bus:
    On the west side take the M104 up or downtown on Broadway. You can also take the M7 and M11 uptown on Amsterdam and downtown on Columbus Avenues. From the east side take the 96th Street Crosstown (M96 or M106) to Broadway and walk one block south.

    Newcomers are welcome.

    Back to Top 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
    2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

    The James Joyce Society.
    invites you to hear
    Damian Hey
    Professor of English, Molloy College, on

    Joyce Beckett

    Wed., Oct 18, 2006, at 6:00pm
    at the
    Roger Smith Hotel
    501 Lexington Avenue
    at 47th Street
    New York City

    Simon Lockle, Tyler, will report on
    2006 James Joyce Symposium in Budapest

    The Gotham being unavailable, we have changed this meeting venue to the
    Roger Smith Hotel, 501 Lexingon Ave at 47th St.

    An invitation from Jesse Meyers, a member of the James Joyce Society.

    I am taking the liberty of calling your attention to an upcoming lecture and rare book exhibition at NYU. On Thursday, Sept. 28, 2006, I will be delivering a presentation on:

    The Three Trials of James Joyce

    The lecture will deal with Joyce's role in the continuing debate over literary freedom. Issues concerning Dubliners, Ulysses and the biography of Joyce's daughter Lucia will be examined. Following the presentation there will be a reception and the opening of a display featuring several rare Joyce editions and some interesting Joycean ephemera.

    The events will be held at: The Fales Library of New York University on Sept. 28, 2006, at 6:30 p.m. The Fales Library -- which houses the University's rare books and special collections -- is located on the 3rd floor of NYU's Bobst Library, 70 Washington Square South, just below Washington Square Park. It is easily accessible by subway from NYC's east or west sides.

    If you are interested in attending this free presentation and exhibition, kindly RSVP to NYU at: (212) 992 9018.

    The James Joyce Society

    Post-Bloomsday Celebration
    Open Discussion
    of the Calypso Episode
    Chapter 4 of Ulysses

    Introduced and Facilitated
    Nicholas Fargnoli

    The Calypso episode of Ulysses immediately catches the imagination of readers with its description of Leopold Bloom's gustatory preferences, and many readers think that it is the most interesting episode in Ulysses. It is where we first meet Bloom and Molly and learn of their characters, their mental preoccupations, and their unusual marriage. Some readers point to the extraordinary richness of multiple mythologies that appear together in one scene, with Penelope as Molly in the bed, Calypso as the Nymph in the photograph over the bed, and Circe as the circus book under the bed. Against this already charged background, Bloom and Molly discuss metamorphosis and metempsychosis, two of the major themes and techniques of Ulysses.

    Bring a copy of Ulysses along with your insights, questions, and comments.

    Monday 19 June 2006 6:00 pm
    The Gotham Book Mart
    16 East 46th Street
    New York, NY 10017

    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Yearly Membership: $20.00
    Visitors at meetings: $5.00

    Heyward Ehrlich
    Vice President & Webmaster

    Simon Loekle, Tyler

    Please visit our website: joycesociety.org

    The James Joyce Society
    John McCourt
    Director of the Trieste Joyce School
    University of Trieste
    "James Joyce and Irish Catholicism"
    Simon Loekle
    "The Cat and the Devil"

    Tuesday, April 25 at 6:30 pm
    at the Gotham Book Mart
    16 East 46th Street
    New York City

    The Mercantile Library announces
    A Screening of John Huston's The Dead

    6:00 pm on May 11, 2006
    17 East 47th Street, NYC

    Reserve tickets ($5)
    by phone: (212) 755-6710
    or e-mail: info@mercantilelibrary.org.

    There will be a screening of John Huston's brilliant movie, "The Dead" based on the James Joyce short story of the same name. The screening will take place on May 11th at the Mercantile Library, 17 East 47th Street, at 6 p.m. Tickets are $5. Because seating is limited we ask that you reserve: either by phone- 212.755.6710 or by e-mail at info@mercantilelibrary.org.

    A discussion, led by Cynthia Kraman and Andrea Simon, will follow the screening. Cynthia, leader of the James Joyce at the Gotham April 18th discussion of the last four stories in the Dubliners, is also author of three collections of poetry, playwright, essayist, punk rocker, professor of literature and is currently publishing on Chaucer and the Pearl-poet. In addition, she is a forthcoming contributor to a volume on Emmanuel Levinas and Medieval Thought and was recently interviewed on "The Bard's Eye-View" on the radio station WMAC.

    Andrea Simon has made over 25 films almost all of which were shown on PBS. Many of Andrea's films were made for museums here and abroad. Many of us were fortunate to see La Juive on Genevieve Straus at another screening graciously hosted by the Merc. Andrea's music films include Destination Mozart: A Night at the Opera with Peter Sellars and Libero Canto: Voice is Breath. One of her favorite films, Talk to Me: Americans in Conversation, is about what it means to be an American, how we reconcile and integrate our individual and national identities, and destinies. Recipient of many awards, Andrea suggested that "since this is an audience of fanatics" I mention that "I always been fascinated by the inner life of the obsessive readers, of which I am one, and am slowly edging closer to putting it all on film."

    We're looking forward to a wonderful evening enjoying the only instance of a magnificent movie based on a literary masterpiece.

    The James Joyce Society presents
    John Gordon
    Professor of English of Connecticut College
    on "'Aeolus' to 'Circe': A Walkabout Talkabout"
    on Monday, March 20, 2006 at 6:30 pm
    at the Gotham Book Mart
    16 East 46th Street
    New York City

    The Miami Joyce Conference
    returns to Coral Gables, Florida, February 2-4, 2006!

    The conference will feature academic papers related to all aspects of Joyce's work. Organizers are particularly interested in talks/panels that comment on current directions of Ulysses criticism. However, any proposal dealing with Joyce's writing will be considered for inclusion on the program. Among the non-academic events will be an opening reception, concluding banquet, and scintillating poolside critiques of all events.

    For full information on registration and accommodations check the website: . http://www.as.miami.edu/english/jjls/jjls.htm

    For inquiries about the academic program or to submit a proposal for a panel or a paper, contact Michael Patrick Gillespie at michael.gillespie@mu.edu The deadline for proposals is 25 November 2005.

    This is 2005 20062004 200320022001 Return to top

    invites you hear
    Roger Dupre, Professor of English, Molloy College:
    "Reflections On the Synge-Joyce-Hemingway Connection:
    Riders to the Sea, Dubliners,In Our Time"
    7:00 pm, Tues. 31 Jan.
    at the Gotham Book Mart, 16 E. 46th Street, NYC>

    The James Joyce Society
    invites you to hear
    Sid Feshbach speak on
    "Contra Kenner: Not a Eulogy"
    on Tues. Sept 27 at 6:30 pm

    at the Gotham Book Mart
    now located at
    16 E. 46th St., New York
    New York, NY 10017

    The Gotham Book Mart has moved to a new location!
    1 6     E a s t     4 6 t h    S t


    invites you to hear
    Hermes in "Aeolus": A Rubric for Ulysses
    Messenger, Moly, and O'Molloy --
    Macintosh, Turgenev and Joyce
    Jayne Blankenship
    Independent Scholar and Author

    (to follow, bring along the Gabler text of Ulysses)

    Wednesday, May 4, 2005, 6:00pm

    The Gotham Book Mart
    16 East 46th Street
    New York, NY 10017

    The James Joyce Society
    invites you to hear
    Sid Feshbach speak on
    "Contra Kenner: Not a Eulogy"
    on Tues. Sept 27 at 6:30 pm

    at the Gotham Book Mart
    now located at
    16 E. 46th St., New York
    New York, NY 10017

    Myra Russel, 84

    Obituary in The New York Times. Saturday, Sept. 10, 2005

    Myra Russel, 84

    Obituary in The New York Times. Saturday, Sept. 10, 2005

    RUSSEL -- Myra Teicher. Died September 7th of a heart attack. She was two months shy of her 85th birthday. She is survived by her three children, Marjorie, David and Donny, their spouses, Peter, Luba and Kelko, six grandchildren to whom she was utterly devoted, Alexander, Byron, Constantine, Emily, Kevin and Sascha, and her brother Henry and sister-in-law Anne Teicher. Myra lived several lives, all with great intelligence and gusto.She was a lifelong socialist, a machinist during WW II, a loving wife and mother, a college professor, an author and scholar. After her children were grown, she earned an MA at Sarah Lawrence College, then taught literature at Elizabeth Seton College in Yonkers for many years. In retirement, she taught retired NY Public School teachers, selecting a fresh set of books to discuss each year. Her professional specialty was music written to the poems of James Joyce.In her 70’s she rediscovered and published a book of Jeffrey Molyneux Palmer’s song settings to “Chamber Music,” and she introduced the songs to musicians who performed and recorded them. Myra wrote many scholarly articles, and she attended and presented her work at various James Joyce symposia here and in Europe, most recently this past Bloomsday. She will be missed by her family and friends. Contributions in her name can be made to the International Rescue Committee. A memorial service will be held.

    Bibliography of Myra Russel's printed works:

    “Shades of Joyce,” JJQ Spring 2002, 39:413-17

    Chamber Music: Words and Music Lovingly Coupled,” in Sebastian Knowles, ed, Bronze By Gold (New York: Garland, 1999)

    Reviews, JJQ, Fall 96/winter 97 34:177

    Chamber Music: the Lost Song Settings (Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 1993). Musical settings by G. Molyneux Palmer ; foreword by Harry Levin ; musical foreword by Robert White; edited and with an introduction by Myra Teicher Russel. Accompanied by an audio cassette of the songs by Robert White, tenor, and Samuel Sanders, piano.

    “The Elizabethan Connection: The missing Score of James Joyce’s Chamber Music” JJQ Winter 1981 18:13-45

    The Gotham Book Mart has moved to a new location!
    1 6     E a s t     4 6 t h    S t


    invites you to hear
    Robert J. Seidman
    "The Best Novel of the 20th Century: James Joyce's Ulysses"
    on Wednesday, 15 June 2005, 6:00 pm
    at the Gotham Book Mart, now located
    at 16 E. 46th St., New York City

    The Gotham Book Mart has moved to a new location!
    1 6     E a s t     4 6 t h    S t


    invites you to hear
    Hermes in "Aeolus": A Rubric for Ulysses
    Messenger, Moly, and O'Molloy --
    Macintosh, Turgenev and Joyce
    Jayne Blankenship
    Independent Scholar and Author

    (to follow, bring along the Gabler text of Ulysses)

    Wednesday, May 4, 2005, 6:00pm

    The Gotham Book Mart
    16 East 46th Street
    New York, NY 10017

    The Gotham Book Mart has moved to a new location!
    1 6     E a s t     4 6 t h    S t


    invites you to its
    Wednesday, February 2, 2005 meeting
    at 16 E. 46th Street, NYC Patrick Reilly
    Adjunct Professor, Fordham Univ.
    "Seansong, or whatyoumacormack in Finnegans Wake " --
    Wed. Feb 2, 6:00 pm

    The meeting will start promptly at 6 p.m.

    The Gotham Book Mart has moved to a new location!
    1 6     E a s t     4 6 t h    S t

    This is 2004 20062005 200320022001 Return to top

    The Gotham Book Mart has moved to a new location!
    1 6     E a s t     4 6 t h    S t

    invites you to its
    Wednesday, September 8, 2004 meeting
    at 16 E. 46th Street, NYC

    Michael Patrick Gillespie

    Louise Edna Goeden Professor of English
    Marquette University
    Two Reports on the James Joyce Symposium 2004
    by Myra Russel, Author and Joyce Scholar
    and Neil Hickey,
    Editor-at-Large of the Columbia Journalism Review

    The meeting will start promptly at 6 p.m.

    The Gotham Book Mart has moved to a new location!
    1 6     E a s t     4 6 t h    S t

    A Bloomsday 100 Calendar for 2004


    invites you to its
    Double/DOUBLE Bloomsday Meetings:
    Monday, June 7, and Wednesday, June 9, 2004

    First Meeting on Monday, June 7, 2004:

    Joyce to the World
    A Sneak Preview of an Irreverent Documentary Film about Ulysses and Bloomsday

    Featuring Brian Dennehy, Fionnula Flanagan, Frank McCourt and Others

    Directed by Fritzi Horstman and Written by Diana J. Wynne
    For more information about the film see: joycetotheworld.com

    Monday 7 June 2004 6:00 pm
    Mercantile Library of New York 17 East 47th Street New York, NY 10017

    Please note change of venue for this meeting.

    Second Meeting on Wednesday, June 9, 2004:

    Pre-Bloomsday Celebration With Fidelma Murphy
    Reading Selections from "Ulysses"

    Wednesday 9 June 2004 6:00 pm
    The Gotham Book Mart 41 West 47th Street New York, NY 10036

    O T H E R     A N N O U N C E M E N T S     :



    Medicine Show presents "Finnegans Wake," a new work for the theatre created from the classic modernist novel by James Joyce. Performance run May 13-30, Thursday through Saturdays at 8 PM, Sundays at 7 PM. OBIE winning director Barbara Vann is directing and preparing the script. Tickets are $20, $15 for students, seniors and the unemployed. TDF accepted. Call (212) 262 4216 for information and reservations.

    Joyce’s novel has been praised as both a comprehensive summa of twentieth-century culture and letters and as farce as delightful and entertaining as any round of earthy barroom jokes. Finnegans Wake is a boisterous, mind bending dream play damning and praising humankind and its attempts at civilization. Set in a Dublin pub the Finnegans Father, mother, two sons and daughter, along with the denizens of the pub, drink, dream, assume the roles of mythic and historical figures, love and fight and live and die and hope that their lifelong pathetic, comic and noble struggle will lead to some kind of spiritual rebirth. The piece is acted, chanted, sung, danced, stomped and howled. With its juxtaposition of the elevated and the vulgar, there’s lots of fun at Finnegans Wake. Medicine Show’s readings of the text last year made it clear that the text was always meant to be read out loud. Medicine Show is an award winning ensemble that has experimented with text, form, and non-conventional scripts for over thirty years.

    There will be original and traditional music by composer/multi-instrumentalist Chris McGlumphy performed live on viol da gamba, flutes and drums, and Irish dancing by award-winning Irish dancer Colleen Quigley. The cast includes Yascha Bilan, Alexander Bilu, Mark Gering, Sarah Engelke, Timothy Reynolds, John McConnel, Richard de Domenico, Irene Califano, and Barbara Vann.

    For more information, call Gary Heidt or Chris Brandt at (212) 262 4216.
    Medicine Show
    549 West 52nd 3rd floor
    New York, NY 10019

    The James Joyce Society invites you to attend a double bill

    Michael Groden
    Professor of English at the University of Western Ontario
    The Adventures with "Ulysses"


    Michael Barsanti
    Associate Director of the Rosenbach Museum and Library, Philadelphia
    Bringing Back Rosenbach: How the World's Greatest Book Dealer Became a Joycean Footnote

    Thursday, 15 April 2004, 6:00 pm sharp
    The Gotham Book Mart
    41 West 47th Street
    New York,. NY 10036

    The James Joyce Society invites you to attend

    Michael Murphy
    Professor Emeritus, CCNY

    The Man in the Gap:
    The Critic in the Cavity

    Monday, 2 February 2004, 6:00 pm
    (Joyce's birthday)

    The Gotham Book Mart
    41 West 47th Street
    New York,. NY 10036

    This is 2003 20062005 200420022001 Return to top

    The James Joyce Society invites you to attend

    Michael F. Capobianco
    Professor Emeritus
    St. John's University, Staten Island, NY

    Cabrera Infante and Joyce:
    Word Magic in Tres Tristes Tigers
    and Finnegans Wake

    Thursday, 30 October 2003, 6:00 pm
    The Gotham Book Mart
    41 West 47th Street,New York NY 10036

    The James Joyce Society invites you to attend

    A Special Gallery Talk and Exhibit

    Ear's Eye for James Joyce -- Paintings by Susan Weil
    Introduction and Talk by David Weir
    Tuesday, Sept. 16, 2003, Time: TBA

    At the Sundaram Tagore Gallery, 137 Greene St.
    between Houston and Prince Streets, SOHO, New York City

    Susan Weil states, "I call my exhibit 'Ear's Eye for James Joyce.' I will be exhibiting paintings referring to Joyce and his writings. I have been making Joyce related work for eighteen years. This journey began with my working on a limited edition book with the publisher Vincent FitzGerald. In 1987 the first of our collaborations, was my illuminations for The Epiphanies. In 1989 I made images for another livre d'artiste, Giacomo Joyce and then in 1991, Brideship and Gulls. During this time I was studying and drawing to all the writings of Joyce. This led to studio work which was exhibited in Lund, Sweden in 1990 and Basel, Switzerland in 1996. The James Joyce Quarterly published an article about my work with Joyce and I also lectured about my work in 1989 at the Joyce symposium in Zurich.

    My exhibit at Sundaram Tagore Gallery will show major paintings through all these years. There is a website about this work. The address is

    Mabou Mines presents CARA LUCIA
    The WORLD PREMIERE will take place at the HERE Arts Center (145 Sixth Avenue) with previews starting April 15, 2003 and opening Wednesday, April 23, 2003 at 8:30 PM.

    CARA LUCIA, Mabou Mines newest work, centers on the life and death of James Joyce's only daughter Lucia. As a young woman in Paris during the 1920's she danced, painted illuminated letters for her father's books, and fell in love with Samuel Beckett and Alexander Calder. By 1932, however, Lucia's behavior had become strange and erratic. She eventually found herself in a mental hospital where she would live for the next forty-seven years. James Joyce believed she was the natural inheritor of his genius.

    As a theatrical ode, CARA LUCIA navigates Lucia's final journey through her imagined afterlife facing her tumultuous past and her legacy as a literary reflection in her father's final work Finnegans Wake.

    Sharon Fogarty, the Director and co-writer of CARA LUCIA, has been the co-artistic director of Mabou Mines since 1999. Prior to her post with Mabou Mines, she served as artistic director of New York City-based Daedalus Theater Company from 1997-1999. Sharon has produced many of Mabou Mines' productions over the past five years including tours of the company to Russia, Korea and Brazil.

    CARA LUCIA stars four-time OBIE winner Ruth Maleczech (founding member and co-artistic director of Mabou Mines) as Old Lucia, Rosemary Fine and Clove Galilee as Young Lucia.

    OBIE award-winning Julie Archer is credited with the production design. Jim Clayburgh will design the set and lighting. The choreography will be by J'aime Morrison with original music composed by Carter Burwell (Gods and Monster, Velvet Goldmine, all of Spike Jones' and Cohen brother's films.)

    Performance Schedule: April 15 - May 11: Tuesday - Saturday at 8:30 PM and Sundays at 4 PM at the HERE Arts Center (145 Sixth Ave. between Spring and Broome).

    All Tickets are $25.00. Tickets will be available from TicketWeb or by calling the HERE box office at 212.647.0202.

    Mabou Mines is a collaborative theater company founded in 1970 and based in NYC. Alone from all American acting ensembles, Mabou Mines bridged the gap between theater and art, taking as its first principle the idea that life is performance - that the study and practice of one is the study and practice of the other.

    Myra Russel presents a new talk introducing
    Renowned tenor Robert White and pianist Stephen Gosling in
    The Chamber Music poems of James Joyce:
    A New Look at Settings by Many Composers
    Lincoln Center Music Library Auditorium
    New York City
    (Old date Thurs, Dec. 5, 2002, 6 pm, cancelled/snow)
    NEW DATE: 6 P.M on THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2003
    Admission: free.
    Entrance: Front: Music Library between Opera House & Theatre
    Or rear: from Amsterdam Ave., south of W. 65th Street

    "Le Petomane, Elvis and
    Other Unexpected Guests at Joyce's Wake"
    Wednesday, 5 February 2003 at 6:00 pm

    Michael J. O'Shea, Ph. D. is Visiting Professor
    of English at Drexel University
    He is the editor of Studies in Short Fiction
    and is a Trustee of the International James Joyce Foundation

    The James Joyce Society
    At The Gotham Book Mart
    41 West 47th Street
    New York, NY 10036

    This is 2002 20062005 200420032001 Return to top

    Friday, November 22, 2002, 6 p.m.
    Cóilín Owens
    George Mason UIniversity

    "The Odour of Corruption: A Theological Reading of 'The Sisters'"

    he death of his intellectual and spiritual mentor provokes a crisis of faith in the boy-narrator. The language and structure of the story reveal its Gnostic premises. The priest is a pneumatic, his sisters hylics. Its conclusion: the psychic boy becomes agnostic.

    When Joyce wrote to Grant Richards that "people might be willing to pay for the special odour of corruption which, I hope, floats over my stories" (Oct 15, 1905), he was not making reference either to Dublin’s garbage or political chicanery. Rather, he was coining a phrase drawn from the theological lexicon of his time ("the odour of sanctity" and "the corruption of the flesh"), by which he indicated his purpose was to reveal the phenomena of original sin. For all the critical attention these stories have received, these implications have been largely ignored, especially in recent readings of Dubliners. Read in the light of the Christian understanding of grace shaped by the language of Saints Paul and Augustine--"The Sisters" presents us with a priest who has fallen into Quietism, a latter-day version of Gnosticism, the first major heresy in the history of the Church. A close examination of the text of "The Sisters" shows it to be structurally and thematically informed by the idea of knowledge proposed by the Gnostics, a notion that divided humanity into three parties: the pneumatics, the psychics, and the hylics: those who lived by the spirit, the rational mind, and the flesh, respectively. The boy’s fascination with the terms simony, gnomon, and paralysis in the opening paragraph implies these correspondences, and the body of the story develops their implications. These terms correspond, in turn, with the three procedures by which the narrator attempts to comprehend the physical death of his spiritual and intellectual mentor: through dreams, rational analysis, face to face, and finally through silent mediation. The issues in the story are therefore the relationships between soul, mind, and body, and the modes of knowledge appropriate to each. By comparing his memories and fantasies about Fr Flynn with the overheard conversations between his relicts, the boy moves from a fascination with the Christian promise of eternal perfection, to a radical skepticism about all forms of human knowing. As a disciple of Fr Flynn, therefore, he moves from a fascination with latter-day Gnosticism to modern agnosticism. This reading helps us to gloss an epiphany that Joyce reported to Stanislaus from Trieste: "While I was attending the Greek mass here last Sunday, it seemed to me that my story ‘The Sisters’ was rather remarkable" (February 28, 1905). The development of the implications of this reading of "The Sisters" for the general design of Dubliners and Portrait is the subject of a book in progress.

    Cóilín Owens was born in Ireland. Educated by his parents, the Cistercian monks at Roscrea, Notre Dame and University College, Dublin, he studied Joyce with Bernard Benstock at Kent State. He has been teaching at George Mason since 1976, and has published widely on Irish drama, literature, and language. Among his publications are Family Chronicles: Maria Edgeworth’s Castle Rackrent (1987), Irish Drama 1900-1990 (1990), and Irish/Gaeilge (1994), and numerous essays on Joyce that have appeared in Eire-Ireland, The James Joyce Quarterly, and The Irish University Review. A longtime member of the James Joyce Foundation, he has been an officer on the national committee of the American Conference for Irish Studies. Over the past 25 years he has been active in the affairs of the Irish American Cultural Institute and the Gaelic League in the Washington area. He lives in Mount Vernon, Virginia, with his wife, Julianne Mahler, and sons Seamus and Conor.

    Friday, 25 October, 6:00 pm
    Michael Groden, University of Western Ontario
    New Joyce Manuscripts at the National Library of Ireland

    "The New Joyce Manuscripts at the National Library of Ireland," or "25 New Joyce Manuscripts! Hear All About It: A Report for Non-Specialists"

    In May 2002 the National Library of Ireland announced that it had purchased 25 previously unknown Joyce manuscripts for about $12 million (US). These documents, a couple of early notebooks, some typescript and proof pages for Finnegans Wake, but mostly early notes and drafts for Ulysses, which will greatly enrich our knowledge of Joyce's creation of his works. Michael Groden, who examined the papers for the National Library as it was considering purchasing the collection, will talk about the manuscripts and their significance.

    Michael Groden is Professor of English, University of Western Ontario. He is also instructor of an annual course, "Reading Ulysses" each spring at the 92nd Street Y. In addition, he did manuscript work on Joyce: "Ulysses" in Progress" (1977), general editor of The James Joyce Archive and editor of the 16 Ulysses volumes (1977-79). He was consultant to the National Library of Ireland on its purchase of these newly discovered Joyce manuscripts, and currently he is co-editor of Digital "Ulysses": Ulysses in Dublin | Dublin in Ulysses 1904-2004: An Annotated Hypertext and Manuscript Archive: "

    His web pages are http://publish.uwo.ca/~mgroden/ and http://publish.uwo.ca/~mgroden/ulysses/. Friday, October 4, 6:00 pm

    Chris Lombardi,
    "Notes from a blue:season:
    A novelist falls in love with Lucia Joyce."

    "Diaphanous L & Bab working at c&d."

    A journey in researching and writing
    a narrative of Joyce's daughter --
    from Ellmann's biography
    to immersion in Lucia's hospital journals
    to squinting at the Buffalo notebooks
    to volunteering at a psychiatric hospital.

    Chris Lombardi studied Joyce with Suzette Henke and
    Barry Wallenstein. She writes for the "Village Voice,"
    "The Nation," "Women's Enews," and "American Book Review."

    Her novel "The Suicide Project" was a finalist for
    Barbara Kingsolver's Bellwether Prize. She is currently
    working on a novel based on the life of
    Jehanne Darc (Joan of Arc).

    Tues., 11 June 2002, 5:30 pm
    Nora: the Film
    The Donnell Library Center
    2nd floor conference room
    20 West 53rd Street
    New York, NY 10019

    Tues. 20 August 2002 (6:00 pm)
    Apocalyptic Catallactics: The Political Economy in Ulysses' Oxen
    Ian Kennedy White, Professor of English, Bradford University, UK

    Fri., 3 May 2002, 6:00 pm
    A Little Snob: Pretension and Failure in Ulysses
    Sean Latham, Editor, James Joyce Quarterly

    Fri., 12 Apr. 2002, 7:30 pm:
    Theoretical Bloom: Cloacal Aesthetics
    ` Bowen, Professor of English, University of Miami
    (Past President of The James Joyce Society)

    Wednesday, 20 February 2002 7:00 pm

    Heyward Ehrlich
    Associate Professor of English, Rutgers University in Newark, NJ
    Rewriting Homer Through Celtic Myth: "Matriarchy v. Patriarchy" in Joyce's Ulysses


    In preparation for an open discussion
    Simon Loekle
    will read the water catalogue from Ithaca (U 17:185-228, Gabler edition)
    in observance of the final days of Aquarius: The Water Carrier (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

    Return to top

    Friday, April 12, 2002, 7:30 pm

    Zack Bowen
    Professor of English, University of Miami
    (Past President of The James Joyce Society)
    Theoretical Bloom: Cloacal Aesthetics


    Poet Michael Graves
    Reading from a Selection of His Joycean Poems

    Friday, 3 May 2002, 6:00 pm
    Sean Latham, Editor, James Joyce Quarterly
    A Little Snob: Pretension and Failure in Ulysses


    The Ending of "Araby"
    Discussion led by Heyward Ehrlich

    Return to top

    The James Joyce Society
    A. Nicholas Fargnoli, President
    Simon Loekle, Tyler
    Yearly membership: $20.00
    Visitors at meetings: $5.00

    Return to top

    The James Joyce Society Bloomsday Celebration 2002
    By permission of Pat Murphy of Metropolitan Films
    presented a special screening of
    Tues., 11 June 2002 -- 5:30 pm
    The Donnell Library Center
    2nd floor conference room
    20 West 53rd Street
    New York, NY 10019

    Limited admission:

    (Click for credits)
    (Click and scroll down)
    Boston Irish Film Festival
    (Click and scroll down)

    Review: Variety
    Video and VHS:
    World Bloomsday Calendar 2002:
  • http://www.robotwisdom.com/jaj/ulysses/bloomsday.html
    Bloomsday on Broadway 2002, NYC
  • http://www.symphonyspace.org/genres/seriesPage.php?genreId=4&seriesId=18

  • This is 2001 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 Return to top

  • 14 Nov. 2001
    What's In A Marriage? Textual Privacy In Homer's Odyssey and Joyce's Ulysses
    by Keri Ames, University of Chicago

  • 10 Oct. 2001
    Sketching Vladimir's Voice: Prologue to "Dear Mister Germ's Choice"
    Reminiscences on Vladimir Dixon (1900-1929) by John Dixon

  • Sat., 16 June 2001 -- Bloomsday, 2001
    At Symphony Space, 2537 Broadway at 95th Street
    Part of Bloomsday On Broadway: Readings from James Joyce's Ulysses

    Wednesday   14 November 2001 7:30 pm
    The Gotham Book Mart
    41 West 47th Street
    New York, NY 10036

    What's In A Marriage?
    Textual Privacy
    In Homer's Odyssey and Joyce's Ulysses
    by Keri Ames
    Doctoral Candidate at the University of Chicago


    Murray J. Gross, President of the Finnegans Wake Society of N.Y., will lead a discussion of the following
    paragraph from page 3 lines 4-14-the second and third sentences of Finnegans Wake.

    (For your convenience a copy of FW 3:4-14 along with a relevant
    passage from one of Joyce's letters to Harriet Shaw Weaver follows.)

    • 4    Sir Tristram, violer d'amores, fr'over the short sea, had passen-
      5    core rearrived from North Armorica on this side the scraggy
      6    isthmus of Europe Minor to wielderfight his penisolate war: nor
      7    had topsawyer's rocks by the stream Oconee exaggerated themselse
      8    to Laurens County's gorgios while they went doublin their mumper
      9    all the time: nor avoice from afire bellowsed mishe mishe to
      10   tauftauf thuartpeatrick: not yet, though venissoon after, had a
      11   kidscad buttended a bland old isaac: not yet, though all's fair in
      12   vanessy, were sosie sesthers wroth with twone nathandjoe. Rot a
      13   peck of pa's malt had Jhem or Shen brewed by arclight and rory
      14   end to the regginbrow was to be seen ringsome on the aquaface.
          from Joyce's Paris. 15/xi/926

        Dear Madam:
    Above please find prosepiece ordered in sample form. Also key to same.
    Hoping said sample meets with your approval
    yrs trly
    Jeems Joker

        Sir Amory Tristram 1st earl of Howth changed his name to Saint Lawrence, b in Brittany (North Armorica)
        Tristan et Iseult, passim
        viola in all moods and senses
        Dublin, Laurens Co, Georgia, founded by a Dubliner, Peter Sawyer, on r. Oconee. Its motto: Doubling all the time.
        The flame of Christianity kindled by S. Patrick on Holy Saturday in defiance of royal orders
        Mishe=I am (Irish) i.e. Christian
        Tauf=baptise (German)
        Thou art Peter and upon this rock etc (a pun in the original Aramaic)
        Lat: Tu es Petrus et super hane petram
        Parnell ousted Isaac Butt from leadership
        The venison purveyor Jacob got the blessing meant for Esau
        Miss Vanhomrigh and Miss Johnson had the same christian name
        Willy brewed a peck of maut
        Noah planted the vine and was drunk
        John Jameson      is the greatest Dublin distiller
        Arthur Guinness, "   "       "          "       brewer
        Arthur Wellesley (of Dublin) fought in the Peninsular war
        rory=Latin, roridus=dewy
        at the rainbow's end are dew and the colour red
        bloody end to the lie in Anglo-Irish=no lie     regginbrow=German regenbogen + rainbow
        ringsome=German ringsum, around
        When all vegetation is covered by the flood there are no eyebrows on the face of the Waterworld
        exaggerare=to mound up
        themselse=another Dublin 5000 inhabitants
        Isthmus of Sutton a peck of land between Howth head and the plain
        passencore=pas encore and ricorsi storici of Vico
        bellowed=the response of the peatfire of faith to the windy words of the apostle

    Return to top
      Wednesday   10 October 2001   7:30 pm
      The Gotham Book Mart
      41 West 47th Street
      New York, NY 10036

      Sketching Vladimir's Voice:
      Prologue to "Dear Mister Germ's Choice"
      Reminiscences on Vladimir Dixon (1900-1929)
      by John Dixon

      Vladimir Dixon's identity and authorship
      of the "Dear Mister Germ's Choice" letter had often been disputed
      even after the letter appeared in
      Our Exagmination Round His Factification for
      Incamination of Work in Progress


      A Brief Report on the Berkeley Conference
      by Heyward Ehrlich

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      Saturday, 16 June 2001 -- Bloomsday, 2001
      At Symphony Space
      2537 Broadway at 95th Street

      Part of Bloomsday On Broadway: Readings from James Joyce's Ulysses
      From 12:00 Noon to 12:00 Midnight

      Bloomsday Celebration 2001

      by Composer Victoria Bond

      (Molly ManyBloom will be performed at approximately 5:00 p.m.)
      Performed at Symphony Space
      2537 Broadway at 95th Street

      By special arrangement with Symphony Space, James Joyce Society members will be admitted free of
      charge with a valid ID membership card.

      Return to top

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      Email: Send email to info@joycesociety.org

      President: A. Nicholas Fargnoli, afargnoli@molloy.edu

      Webmaster: Heyward Ehrlich, info@heywardehrlich.com. Site created 02/02/02, format rev. 4 May 2002, 14 Nov 2003 (Ver. 1.6)© 2002-2003  The James Joyce Society.

      Browsers: The joycesociety.org pages are formatted for Internet Explorer,
      Netscape, Opera and similar Windows and Macintosh browsers.
      For wireless/handheld/accessibility devices and printing, use plain text.
      For hints on optimizing viewing and printing, see Help.

      Email: Send email to info@joycesociety.org

      President: A. Nicholas Fargnoli, afargnoli@molloy.edu

      Webmaster: Heyward Ehrlich, info@heywardehrlich.com.
      Site created 02/02/02, format rev. 4 May 2002, 14 Nov 2003 (Ver. 1.6) © 2002-2006 The James Joyce Society.

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      The James Joyce Society info@joycesociety.org
    President: A. Nicholas Fargnoli, afargnoli@molloy.edu
    Vice President: Jonathan Goldman, jonathanegoldman@gmail.com
    Treasurer: Steve Pantani stevepantani@gmail.com
    Webmaster: Heyward Ehrlich, ehrlich@rutgers.edu

    Site created 02/02/02 © 2002-2021  The James Joyce Society
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